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The Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
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NTR: money and money-related terms #189

Closed dillerm closed 1 year ago

dillerm commented 1 year ago

Preferred term label

debt obligation

Textual definition

A directive information entity that prescribes that something will be transferred from some human or organization that is the bearer of a duty holder role to another human or organization that is the bearer of a claimant role.

Suggested parent term

directive information entity

Preferred term label


Textual definition

A debt obligation between two parties that has part a scalar value specification and whose concretizations indicate that their bearers can be used in a financial transaction or payment of debt, or as a measure of the value of some entity in a financial valuation process or prospective financial valuation process.

Suggested parent term

debt obligation

Preferred term label


Textual definition

A material entity that is the bearer of a concretization of money and is created by some governmental organization or on behalf of some governmental organization that has authorized its creation.

Suggested parent term

material entity

Preferred term label

exchange of ownership



Textual definition

A planned process whereby one agent (or active participant) or a group of agents transfer ownership of some property to another agent (or active participant) or group of agents in the process, who in return transfer ownership of some their property to the first agent (or active participant).

Suggested parent term

planned process

Preferred term label

financial transaction


monetary transaction

Textual definition

A planned process whereby one participant partly or completely fulfills an obligation to another participant by transferring ownership of some other debt obligation, which is typically money.

Suggested parent term

planned process

Preferred term label

payment of debt

Textual definition

A planned process whereby ownership of some entity of value is transferred by one participant to another to fulfill some obligation, on their behalf, after some service is performed or the ownership of some entity is exchanged.

Suggested parent term

planned process

Preferred term label

financial valuation process

Textual definition

A planned process that has as specified output some scalar measurement datum that is about an entity—such as a material good or a service—and is measured in terms of the quantity of some other material entity.

Suggested parent term

planned process

Preferred term label

prospective financial valuation process

Textual definition

A planned process that has as specified output some predicted value that is about an entity—such as a material good or a service—and is measured in terms of the quantity of some material entity at some point in the future.

Suggested parent term

planned process