mcwdsi / OMRSE

The Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
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NTR: human traveler role #191

Open cmrn-rhi opened 1 year ago

cmrn-rhi commented 1 year ago

For new term requests, please provide the following information:

Preferred term label

human traveler role


human traveller role

Textual definition

A role in a human social process that is realized when the bearer travels between an origin and a destination.

Suggested parent term

role in human social processes


LightGrenadier commented 1 year ago

We currently have human travel imported into OMRSE from APOLLO SV. We can change the definition to reference that class. Alternatively, you could also represent this as a participates in some human travel axiom instead of creating a human traveler role class. Although this depends on your use case.

cmrn-rhi commented 7 months ago

Apologies for the late reply. The use case is for the creation of a term that describes "Contact with Person who Recently Travelled" / "exposure to human recent traveler" where a "receptor" was exposed to a "exposure stimulus" that is a human who travelled. We pursued "human traveler role" to try to avoid indicating that the "receptor" in some way "participates in some human travel".

dillerm commented 3 weeks ago

@cmrn-rhi would you or anyone from your group like to join our August 7 call to provide clarification on your use-case for this request and to discuss whether this or another approach might better fit it?