mcwdsi / OMRSE

The Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Preparing new release. #193

Closed dillerm closed 1 year ago

dillerm commented 1 year ago

As far as I can tell, everything looks good but I figured I'd get a second pair of eyes to look at it.

hoganwr commented 1 year ago

When I look at the usage of causal agent in process, it does not appear in any class axioms. If so, then presumably has_active_particpant was used in any such class axioms either. So we could have just obsoleted has_active_participant. I suppose having imported causal agent in process will serve some hypothetical future use cases? But I could have sworn has_active_participant was useful somewhere at some time, so I am suspicious that something is wrong.

hoganwr commented 1 year ago

Aha! Nevermind, I see that it's inverse is used in several class axioms in OMRSE. Very good. All is well. I say proceed with the release.