mcwdsi / OMRSE

The Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
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Terms to cover new federal standards on race/ethnicity data collection #232

Open sebastianduesing opened 3 months ago

sebastianduesing commented 3 months ago

Congress very recently approved revisions to the federal standards for race/ethnicity data collection (info here). Is OMRSE interested in creating terms to represent the new standards?

I'm involved with several projects that currently use OMRSE for race/ethnicity terms (including OBI and HIPC Immunespace), and we would be very happy to have OMRSE terms for the new standards. We're more than willing to contribute, test, or otherwise help out with the development of these new terms, if OMRSE is willing to host them.

Thanks for your time!

hoganwr commented 3 months ago

Yes, we are absolutely interested. I just became aware of the planned changes. We typically discuss these issues at the monthly OMRSE meeting (first Wed of month at 11a ET). Or if you'd like a separate meeting to discuss please let us know.