md-systems / redirect

DEPRECATED: Redirect moved back to, use the official repository.
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Doesn't work if retain query string is unchecked #70

Closed njt1982 closed 8 years ago

njt1982 commented 8 years ago

I am running nginx + Perusio config.

I installed the latest 8.x release from this repo. I created a test redirect (node/123 > a valid article). When I visit with query string retaining disabled, I get a 404. When retaining is enabled, I get a proper redirect, but I also get ?q=node/123 appending to my URL.

Neither are ideal, but the later at least redirects.

I assume this is a bug, not intended functionality?

nolfranklin commented 8 years ago

Any luck with fixing this issue?

njt1982 commented 8 years ago

The latest dev release still does this, although now I get ?q= appended in all redirects, regardless of the retain query string!

njt1982 commented 8 years ago

Hmm it looks like it may be a Perusio config problem...

I just made this change:

- fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING q=$uri&$args;
+ fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $args;

And I no longer get this problem.

Berdir commented 8 years ago

Yes, I suspected something like that, since I couldn't reproduce this with Apache. Drupal 8 doesn't use q anymore, except in autocomple callbacks (where it is actually the query/search string now).

Closing this.

njt1982 commented 8 years ago

I have opened with Perusio. That line doesn't seem to affect D7 sites either (at least "it works for me locally" ! ).