mdPlusPlus / lempstack

LEMP Installer for Debian/Ubuntu - Linux, NGINX, MySQL, PHP
MIT License
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Redirect www/non-www #2

Closed Jogai closed 6 years ago

Jogai commented 6 years ago

Why is the question about redirecting www gone?

mdPlusPlus commented 6 years ago

You're asking for the intentions behind a change I introduced over two years ago. I can't tell you exactly what my intentions were, but I think it was because back then did not support wildcart certficates I would have to request several letsencrypt certificates and implement a switch which decides which certificate to serve based on whether you're coming from or

I can definitively tell you that it is my personal preference, though. I don't want identical content to have different URLs on my setups. This messes with certain systems like reddit's link-has-already-been-submitted feature.

The right way to handle www.-subdomains when they don't have different content than the main domain is to do a clean redirect to the main domain or the other way around. Source
I could have implemented this as a dialog instead, but it seems unnecessary to me.

If you want to have www. on a domain working you can easily run the script to set up and then add the following to the config:

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;
    return 301 https://www.$host$request_uri;
server {
    listen 443 ssl spdy;
    listen [::]:443 ssl spdy;
    return 301 https://www.$host$request_uri;
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;
    return 301 https://www.$host$request_uri;
server {
    listen 443 ssl spdy;
    listen [::]:443 ssl spdy;
    #insert regular config here

This will redirect all traffic from (http and https) to (https). (Disclaimer: I came up with this on the fly, haven't tested it, but should world.)

Jogai commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the answer. It doesn't matter its not exactly what you thought back then. Thanks for the examples too!

aatishnn commented 6 years ago

Piggybacking on this thread, guys, I would like to get your thoughts what if we develop a version of lempstack based on Ansible?

mdPlusPlus commented 6 years ago

Well, I don't have any experience with Ansible, but judging from the documentation it should be fairly easy to implement an Ansible module/playbook/whatever.
However, I think this is not in the scope of this project.