mdaines / grammophone

A tool for analyzing and transforming context-free grammars.
MIT License
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On shape = record in viz #9

Closed mklabcn closed 4 years ago

mklabcn commented 4 years ago

Hello, mdaines. Because viz issue is closed, I'm here to ask questions.

digraph G{ graph [rankdir="BT"]; node[shape="record"]; a[label="{a}"]; b[label="{b}"]; c[label="{c}"];

{rank=same; c; a}; //As long as there is this sentence, it can't be interpreted.  When shape="record"


mdaines commented 4 years ago

I am not supporting Viz.js anymore.

As far as this graph goes, I suggest looking at the warnings given when you use the dot command-line. This may not be specifically a Viz.js issue.