mdavidsaver / setuptools_dso

setuptools extension for building non-Python Dynamic Shared Objects
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Create info module for each DSO #14

Closed ktbarrett closed 3 years ago

ktbarrett commented 3 years ago

Generates an info module per DSO built with information on the original dot separated name, the stem and full path to the DSO. The info module also adds the directory containing the DSO to the DLL path on Windows once the info module is loaded.

The name for the info module is configurable per DSO and defaults to "{stem}". Setting the name to None turns off info module generation for the DSO.

The change does not attempt to create proper package structure to ensure the info modules are importable, that is up to the user.


ktbarrett commented 3 years ago

Guess I didn't quite get the inplace install correct. It's built in the same place and you have to manually call copy_file to move it?

ktbarrett commented 3 years ago

Fix for Python 2.7.