mdbesten / what-could-go-wrong

What Could Go Wrong
MIT License
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Collaboration between Amelie (vipnvap), Chirel (54R7EURTIF), Wassim (wassimderbel-hub) and Vincent (tovincent) : (FUN) (readme is in the pull request and main.tex is in the comment)"Gameplay Update: Wildcard Round Addition and Clarified Prompt Definitions in 'What Could Go Wrong'" #88

Open wassimderbel-hub opened 7 months ago

wassimderbel-hub commented 7 months ago

This pull request introduces comprehensive enhancements to the "What Could Go Wrong" game's instructions, including the innovative Wildcard Round that brings a strategic layer to the gameplay. The modifications present in this pull request are as follows:

Clarification of Rules for Understanding Prompts: A new rule has been added where if a player is unclear about the meaning of a term on a prompt card, there is a structured approach to ensure everyone has a shared understanding before proceeding. This process involves group discussion and, if necessary, a decision by the Card Czar to establish a consensus on the term's meaning.

Wildcard Round Integration: The most notable update in this pull request is the formal introduction of the Wildcard Round. This feature is triggered at a pre-defined moment in the gameplay cycle, such as after every third round, and it allows players to play two white cards instead of one. The specifics of the Wildcard Round are:

Activation: Clear guidance is provided on when the Wildcard Round becomes active, injecting an element of surprise and anticipation into the game.

Dual Play: Players can strategically choose two white cards to play together, adding depth as they consider how the cards interact with each other and the prompt.

Double Points Opportunity: The stakes are higher in this round, as a player can earn double points if the Card Czar selects their combination of white cards, promoting more thoughtful play and card synergy.

Scoring Adaptations for Wildcard Round: Adjustments to the scoring system to accommodate the Wildcard Round, providing potential for a player to earn double points for a well-chosen card pair, enhancing the competitive aspect of the game.

wassimderbel-hub commented 7 months ago

We have also edited the main.tex to include both edits.

tovincent commented 7 months ago

I'm enthusiastic about the Wildcard Round addition, seeing great potential for strategic depth. I recommend randomizing its occurrence to keep the game unpredictable and engaging. Additionally, providing clear examples for Dual Play could help players grasp this new concept more easily. I’m also interested in contributing to playtesting to ensure this feature enhances the game as intended.

wassimderbel-hub commented 7 months ago

the updates main.tex is : % adopted from "Riddles in the Dark" template on Overleaf % incorporated ideas from "Mailmerged Conference Name Cards" template \documentclass[grid,avery5371]{flashcards}

% include font icons \usepackage{fontawesome}

% format url \usepackage{hyperref}

% specify the variant (AV, AI, LLM, etc) among available card decks. \newcommand{\deck}{flow}

% read card info from external file \usepackage{datatool} %% The "database" is a comma-separated values (CSV) file. %% The first line should contain the column headers, without space characters, e.g. %% Name,JobTitle,Department %% %% If a field value contains a comma, then the field value needs to be surrounded with double quotes, e.g. %% John Smith,Lecturer,"School of Science, Mathematics and Engineering" %% %% Spreadsheet applications can usually export such a .csv file. %% %% If field values are expected to contain LaTeX special characters like $, &, then use \DTLloadrawdb{data}.csv instead. \DTLloaddb{prompt}{prompts-\deck.csv}


\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ebgaramond} \usepackage{tikz}


\geometry{headheight=12pt,footskip=4pt} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} \chead{\small What could go wrong? ({\sc \deck} deck) }

\title{What could go wrong?} % compiled by: \author{Matthijs den Besten} % based on work by Nik Martelaro % see resitory at \cardbackstyle[\Huge]{plain} \cardfrontstyle[\large]{headings}


\cardfrontfoot{What could go wrong?\qquad\faicon{creative-commons}}

\begin{flashcard}[\faicon{gamepad}\quad Gameplay Instructions]{ %\begin{turn}{180} %\Rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{% {\bf\small During the game} \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{enumerate}\tiny \setlength{\itemsep}{.5ex} \item Take notes on ideas that you have not thought about before \item Some of the cards are causes, others are effects. Don’t worry about what the game designers intended with each card, go where the discussion is best. \item Some of the cards may be upsetting. (Such as, a person is abused.) \item It’s fine to take time to have discussion. \item Try not to get sidetracked, though! \end{enumerate} \end{multicols} %} %\end{turn}{180} } {\bf\small What could go wrong?---Gameplay Instructions} \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{enumerate}\tiny \setlength\itemsep{.1ex} \item All players draw 5 event cards from their stack. \item Use the spinner to select the Card Czar. \item The Card Czar reads a black prompt card to the group. If unsure about the prompt word, players clarify collectively or defer to the Card Czar's decision. \item Players think strategically about a card and submit it face down, or a combo in the case of the Wildcard Round, for the best match with the prompt. \item \textbf{Wildcard Round: Introduced at a set game point, like after every third round. Players can use two white cards for a chance at double points if both cards of one player are chosen by the Card Czar.} \item The Card Czar reveals and chooses the most fitting or humorous cards. Chosen cards earn points: +1 normally, \textbf{+2 during the Wildcard Round if both cards of one player are chosen}. \item Discuss the chosen cards and award +1 point for compelling contributions. \item After discussing, the next player becomes the Card Czar. Each player then draws new cards, so that they again have 5 cards in their hand. \end{enumerate} \end{multicols} \end{flashcard}

% Adopted from \begin{flashcard}[\faicon{meh-o}\quad Game Evaluation Criteria]{ \begin{itemize}\tiny \setlength{\itemsep}{.1ex} \item Category Biases \item Scale 1 to 7 \begin{multicols}{3} \begin{itemize} \item Clarity \item Flow \item Balance \item Length \item Integrity \item Fun \end{itemize} \end{multicols} \begin{multicols}{2} \item Strongest Point \item Weakest Point \item One Change \item Comparable Games \end{multicols} \end{itemize} } {\bf\small What could go wrong?---Game Evaluation} \small \begin{tabular}{l|c|c|c|c|} & 1 & 3 & 5 & 7\ \hline {\em Clarity} & Opaque & Muddy & Transparent & Water-clear \ {\em Flow} & Cumbrous & Fraught & Smooth & Natural \ {\em Balance} & Broken & Fluky & Sensible & Fair\ {\em Length} & Wrong & Unfit & Apt & Perfect \ {\em Integrity} & Eristic & Erratic & Coherent & Sound \ {\em Fun} & Offputting & Boring & Engaging & Exciting \ \hline \end{tabular} \end{flashcard}

\begin{flashcard}[\faicon{star}\quad Wildcard Round]{ \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]
% Title with customized font \node[align=center, font=\bfseries\Large] at (4cm, 4.5cm) {Wildcard};

% Additional customization
% You can add more elements here to customize the first side further

\end{tikzpicture} \end{center} } {\bf\small Wildcard Round} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] % Card background

% Quote
\node[align=center, font=\itshape, text width=6cm] at (4cm, 2.5cm) {Go wild for a while}; % Adjusted position and width

% Instruction Text
\node[text width=7cm, align=center, font=\footnotesize] at (4cm,1cm) {Play two cards this round for a chance to double your points!}; % Adjusted position and width

\end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{flashcard}

\DTLforeach{prompt}{% %% Map each column header in your .csv file to a command \Description=PROMPT,% \Category=LABEL,% \Id=NUMBERS% }{%%% Start designing your output text! \begin{flashcard}[\deck:\quad\Id\quad\DTLifnull{\Category}{}{\Category}]{% %\begin{verse}[\versewidth] \Description %\end{verse} } \faicon{tasks}\quad{\sc \deck}\ \end{flashcard} }

\DTLforeach{response}{% %% Map each column header in your .csv file to a command \Description=RESPONSE,% \Category=LABEL,% \Id=NUMBERS% }{%%% Start designing your output text! \begin{flashcard}[\deck:\quad\Id\quad\DTLifnull{\Category}{}{\Category}]{% \Description } \faicon{reply}\quad{\sc \deck}\ \end{flashcard} }


YurenJeremyJin commented 7 months ago

The Wildcard Round is an excellent addition, introducing an element of unpredictability that can energize the game. I recommend including a few scenarios or examples to guide players on how best to leverage this opportunity, especially for those less familiar with strategy-based card games.

It might be helpful to adjust the scoring system to integrate the Wildcard Round smoothly. Ensure that the scoring rules are easy to follow and do not disrupt the flow of the game. It could be beneficial to include a brief section on score-keeping best practices with the new system.

The documentation is clear, but adding a FAQ section could preemptively address any questions or uncertainties that may arise from these new rules, and I believe you should put the code to main.tex file in the final edition rather than write in the comment.