mdbootstrap / Admin-Dashboard-Template-Vue-Bootstrap

Admin Template for Material Design for Vue Bootstrap.
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MdInput #1

Open kenzmca86 opened 6 years ago

kenzmca86 commented 6 years ago

Hey Guys,

When i was implemented the MdInput into my sample temple, it won't working properly. I think i need to include some source file into my project, could some body can help me out this. If anybody can tell me how to use on this with example. Big thanks.

smolenski-mikolaj commented 6 years ago

Hi, MdInput is part of our MDB Vue package and You don't need to add nothing else to Your app. Do You have any errors in Your console?

kenzmca86 commented 6 years ago


No, I couldn't found any errors. You are right, no need to include any package except MDB Vue. what i had implemented in my vue-cli 3 in the App.vue file. When i open the browser it was came well like image
when i clicked into basic example input, it was came like image when i moved into next input, first input placeholder not landing properly like image.
See below are my sample code i had implemented, is that any dependencies need while using vue-cli or i need to stay on what you provided.

This is my package.json: dependencies": { "vue": "^2.5.16", "vue-router": "^3.0.1", "vuex": "^3.0.1", "bootstrap": "^4.1.1", "font-awesome": "4.7.0", "mdbvue": "^4.2.0", "vue2-google-maps": "^0.9.7" }

Sample code:


Could you please help me to out on this ASAP that will be helpful.

kenzmca86 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I could not find any sidenav documents for vue, Is that any resources available, please add the comment.

JStrebeyko commented 6 years ago

Hi there, The issues you have been experiencing stem out of an faulty input component. We fixed it already, the release is coming next Monday. When it comes to the Dashboard, please have a look into App.vue. It is a regular GroupListItem enriched with routing, seek mdbootstrap GroupListItem for documentation (that way is better than a direct link, as it can change over the course of next days). Cheers!