This is my input, im binding the typahead to the json in teh data-tags-json attribute. This is workign fien for adding new tags and saving them etc.
However when i reload the page i can see the original input has teh correct value(OB-LIN:2:6 above) but after the taginput is created there is no initial tags present. I create the input as follows.
` $('[data-th=json]').each(function (i, ob) {
console.log('found tags ds');
var current = $(ob).val().split(',');
var rawData = $(ob).attr("data-tags-data");
var data = JSON.parse(rawData);
var ti = $(ob).tagsinput({
typeahead: {
source: JSON.parse(rawData),
hint: true,
displayKey: 'text'
itemText: function (item) { return item.text; },
itemValue: function (item) { return item.value; },
freeInput: false
It seems there is an issue binding the value attribute to the data objexts in my source array.
I am doing teh following.
<input class="form-control" data-tags-data="[{"value":"...","text":"None.."},{"value":"OB-LINK:2:4","text":"Employment Opportunities"},{"value":"OB-LINK:2:6","text":"test category"}]" data-th="json" data-val="true" id="taggedcategories" name="taggedcategories" placeholder="" title="" type="text" value="OB-LINK:2:6" style="display: none;">
This is my input, im binding the typahead to the json in teh data-tags-json attribute. This is workign fien for adding new tags and saving them etc.
However when i reload the page i can see the original input has teh correct value(OB-LIN:2:6 above) but after the taginput is created there is no initial tags present. I create the input as follows.
It seems there is an issue binding the value attribute to the data objexts in my source array.