mdbootstrap / mdb-react-ui-kit

React 18 & Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0 UI KIT
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MDBBtn & MDBNavLink showing errors... #126

Closed tejasag closed 3 years ago

tejasag commented 4 years ago

So the other day I was making a webpage and used MDBBtn & MDBNavLink property in it and both of them gave me this error. This error occurred even if any one of these was in the code...

File with MDBNavlink - File with MDBBtn -

I am open to contact on discord - CyberKnight#0001

I am using the latest version of mdbreact as well as react image

kelvin-addweb commented 3 years ago

@tejasag @mattonit @apati04 @awoyele @catchmareck I am facing the same issue if anyone able to find any solution related to this issue then let me know.

kelvin-addweb commented 3 years ago

@tejasag can you please reopen this issue?

johnthomsonn commented 3 years ago

I am having the exact same issue, any information would be greatly appreciated!

johnthomsonn commented 3 years ago

This answer fixed it for me: