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Input - Docs update #51

Closed JustinMartinDev closed 6 years ago

JustinMartinDev commented 6 years ago

Hello (once again),

I think you should add in the documentation that the <Input> can had the attribut "name"

<Input name="myfieldname" icon="user" group label="Label field"/> and the html corresponding :

<div class="md-form form-group">
    <i class="fa fa-user prefix"></i>
    <input name="myfieldname" class="form-control" value=""/>
    <label class="">Label field</label>
Rotarepmi commented 6 years ago

'name' is semantic part of HTML, which is required to describe form's content. So we did not mentioned it intentionally.

Anyway, thanks for suggestion, we will discuss it. I'm closing the issue.

Best regards