mdbootstrap / mdb-react-ui-kit

React 18 & Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0 UI KIT
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Bootstrap hover effects not works in react component #54

Closed mrajeshkrossark closed 6 years ago

mrajeshkrossark commented 6 years ago


I tried to implement hovering effects but am not getting it. I dont know what piece am missing. is the problem with my end?

import { View, Mask } from 'mdbreact';

    render() {
        return (
                        <div className="row">
                            <div className="col">
                                <h2>My Templates</h2>
                            <div className="col">
                                <Button className="action_button float-right" type="primary">Create Templates</Button>
                            <View overlay="red-strong">
                                <img src="" className="img-fluid" alt="" />
                                <Mask className="flex-center">
                                    <p className="white-text">Strong overlay</p>

My output is:


Rotarepmi commented 6 years ago

Hi, There are some lacks in documentation, but we are currently working on new standard. You have to add property hover to View component. <View hover> And property overlay has been moved to Mask component. <Mask overlay="red-strong"

mrajeshkrossark commented 6 years ago

Hi, There are some lacks in documentation, but we are currently working on new standard. You have to add property hover to View component. <View hover>

thanks it works...

alirizvi061 commented 4 years ago

This is not functioning on my react app, please assist. Here is the code:


Strong overlay
