mdbootstrap / mdb-react-ui-kit

React 18 & Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0 UI KIT
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MDBDropdownMenu component detached from MDBDropdownToggle when parent container is scrollable #93

Closed cgero-eth closed 4 years ago

cgero-eth commented 5 years ago

When the MDBDropdown component is placed inside a scrollable container and the menu is open, the MDBDropdownMenu detach itself from the MDBDropdownToggle component and follows the boundaries of the scrollable container.

Component example:

<div className="app">
  <div className="wrapper">

With the following style:

.app {
  height: 500px;
  background-color: grey;
  overflow: scroll;

.wrapper {
  height: 1500px;

There is also a typo on the DropdownMenu component. The prop modifires is passed to the Popper component instead of modifiers:

I would suggest to add a modifiers prop (of type PopperJs.Modifiers) to the MDBDropdownMenu component to be able to set the following setting on the component when needed: modifiers={{ preventOverflow: { escapeWithReference: true }}}

pglejzer commented 5 years ago


thanks for your advice. We will test your idea and if it will be everything alright with that we will add this to our package. Thanks again and have a good weekend.

Best, Piotr

pglejzer commented 4 years ago


I already added this prop ( modifiers) to this MDBDropdownMenu component. It will be available in our package in the next release (23 of December ).

Best regards, Piotr