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Attempted import error: 'MDBAvatar' is not exported from 'mdbreact'. #96

Closed yogendrajs closed 4 years ago

yogendrajs commented 4 years ago

First, I installed mdbreact package from npm. After adding the Component it is showing the following error. My React version is 16.12.0. Attempted import error: 'MDBAvatar' is not exported from 'mdbreact'.

Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?

PedroNunezCode commented 4 years ago

Same thing here. Have you found an answer yet?

yogendrajs commented 4 years ago

Same thing here. Have you found an answer yet?

Not yet. Hey contributors, can you pls help to resolve it?

pglejzer commented 4 years ago

What kind of component do you use where you have that error?

yogendrajs commented 4 years ago

What kind of component do you use where you have that error?

Ya, I just wrote import { MDBAvatar } from "mdbreact; in one of my Component in React.js after installing it from this npm package. But, it is showing this error.

pglejzer commented 4 years ago

MDBAvatar is available in the pro version of mdbreact. This error occurs because you're trying to import this in the free version.

yogendrajs commented 4 years ago

Oh, got it. Thanks!

OussamaGhamian commented 4 years ago

Actually I have faced the same problem, so simply I put img tag instead of MDBAvatar and it worked.

soltrenc commented 4 years ago

What if I have the pro version and still have the error tag? How do I get rid of this error?