mdbraber / acmeproxy

Proxy server for ACME DNS challenges written in Go
MIT License
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Provider does not support requested mode mode=default provider=azure #8

Open Keithsc opened 3 years ago

Keithsc commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am getting the following error when I try and request a cert using > acmeproxy

Provider does not support requested mode mode=default provider=azure

I have created two Azure Principal account and have tried both but get the same provider error each time.

Any suggestions ?

docker run --rm -it \

--env ACMEPROXY_ENDPOINT="" \ --env ACMEPROXY_USERNAME="username" \ --env ACMEPROXY_PASSWORD="password" \ --add-host \ -v "$(pwd)/out":/ \ neilpang/ --issue --dns dns_acmeproxy -d [Wed Oct 14 09:07:58 UTC 2020] Using CA: [Wed Oct 14 09:07:58 UTC 2020] Create account key ok. [Wed Oct 14 09:07:58 UTC 2020] Registering account: [Wed Oct 14 09:08:00 UTC 2020] Registered [Wed Oct 14 09:08:00 UTC 2020] ACCOUNT_THUMBPRINT='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' [Wed Oct 14 09:08:00 UTC 2020] Creating domain key [Wed Oct 14 09:08:00 UTC 2020] The domain key is here: / [Wed Oct 14 09:08:00 UTC 2020] Single domain='' [Wed Oct 14 09:08:00 UTC 2020] Getting domain auth token for each domain [Wed Oct 14 09:08:02 UTC 2020] Getting webroot for domain='' [Wed Oct 14 09:08:02 UTC 2020] Adding txt value: Uxh82oLidn8X4---------------------P9UGBefw1QoU for domain: [Wed Oct 14 09:08:02 UTC 2020] Using acmeproxy [Wed Oct 14 09:08:02 UTC 2020] Error encountered during record addition [Wed Oct 14 09:08:02 UTC 2020] Provider does not support requested mode [Wed Oct 14 09:08:02 UTC 2020] Error add txt for [Wed Oct 14 09:08:02 UTC 2020] Please add '--debug' or '--log' to check more details. [Wed Oct 14 09:08:02 UTC 2020] See:

docker run -it -v $PWD/config:/etc/acmeproxy -v $PWD/logs:/var/log -p 9096:9096 acmeproxy [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using environment variable name=AZURE_CLIENT_ID value=xxxxx [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using environment variable name=AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET value=yyyyyy [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using environment variable name=AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP value=zzzzzzz [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using environment variable name=AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID value=1111222233334444 [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using environment variable name=AZURE_TENANT_ID value=555566667778888 [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag accesslog-file=/var/log/acmeproxy.log [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag allowed-domains=[] [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag allowed-ips=[] [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag config-file=/etc/acmeproxy/config.yml [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag environment=[AZURE_CLIENT_ID=xxxxxx AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=yyyyyy AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP=zzzzzz AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=111222334444 AZURE_TENANT_ID=55566667777888] [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag htpasswd-file= [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag log-forcecolors=true [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag log-forceformatting=true [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag log-level=debug [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag log-timestamp=true [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag port=9096 [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag provider=azure [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag ssl=auto [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag ssl.manual.cert-file= [Oct 14 09:06:08] DEBUG Using flag ssl.manual.key-file= [Oct 14 09:06:08] INFO Setting up server using SSL (certmagic) [Oct 14 09:06:08] INFO Started certificate maintenance routine [Oct 14 09:06:08] INFO Starting acmeproxy addr=:9096 endpoint= [Oct 14 09:08:02] DEBUG present: Received JSON payload (default mode) value=Uxh82oLidjsfhuifuy4338h7qP9UGBefw1QoU [Oct 14 09:08:02] DEBUG present: Checking allowed domain [Oct 14 09:08:02] DEBUG present: Provider does not support requested mode mode=default provider=azure

mhite commented 2 years ago

Hitting this with the gcloud provider, too.

andrewcchen commented 1 year ago

From the readme:

to use acmeproxy as backend with providers from the lego package they need to implement a CreateRecord/RemoveRecord method that takes an FQDN + acme value as input. The discussion if this should be practice is on-going, see As an example take a look at of how this was implemented for the transip provider (don't worry, it's not difficult).