mddanishyusuf / dailyhack

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View the password of input field #63

Open mddanishyusuf opened 5 years ago

mddanishyusuf commented 5 years ago

👀 What happens some that browser auto fill the password into password field and I don;t know which password is this.

So, I use a small hack. just change the input type from text to password

Right click on password input field and select inspect element

<input type="password" /> to <input type="text" />


KNTH01 commented 5 years ago

This hack is a real security issue when u have access to an unlocked computer that use Chrome password storage!

mddanishyusuf commented 5 years ago

Yes, but I use this to remember my passwords :) =)

tmguru commented 4 years ago

Yes, but I use this to remember my passwords :) =)

same sh*t:) but I use bookmarklet javascript:(function()%7Bvar IN,F;IN=document.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var i=0;i<IN.length;i++)%7BF=IN%5Bi%5D;if(F.type.toLowerCase()=='password')%7Btry%7BF.type='text'%7Dcatch(r)%7Bvar n,Fa;n=document.createElement('input');Fa=F.attributes;for(var ii=0;ii<Fa.length;ii++)%7Bvar k,knn,knv;k=Fa%5Bii%5D;knn=k.nodeName;knv=k.nodeValue;if(knn.toLowerCase()!='type')%7Bif(knn!='height'&&knn!='width'&!!knv)n%5Bknn%5D=knv%7D%7D;F.parentNode.replaceChild(n,F)%7D%7D%7D%7D)()