mde / flex-pilot

Testing automation library for Flex and Flash.
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need to read/get a textfield value? #13

Open submitsim opened 12 years ago

submitsim commented 12 years ago


How Can I read/get a textfield?

for example, in Flex_Selenium_API, we can get the textfield:

public String getText(String textFieldId) { return call("getFlexText", textFieldId, ""); }

How can we do it with flexPilot???

I looked at the API, and it has fp_click , fp_type , fp_select ,fp_doubleClick, fp_dragDropElemToElem, fp_dragDropToCoords, fp_lookupFlash .

there is No fp_get OR fp_read.

Can u help please?


ernoaapa commented 12 years ago

If you mean how you get text value of text field? take a look getPropertyValue and use "text" as property name.