mdegans / tegrity

Helps bake Tegra system images
MIT License
19 stars 2 forks source link

tegrity is for nvidia; creates a dangerous precedent #5

Closed catsmells closed 1 year ago

catsmells commented 1 year ago

contributing to a company virulently against FLOSS works for free can create a dangerous precedent for potential bad actors. it is recommended you delete the repository to stop aiding a dangerous organization (you are contributing to anti-FLOSS computing movements, and therefore against computer science progression).

mdegans commented 1 year ago

With great respect, go back to 4chan.

catsmells commented 1 year ago

With great respect, go back to 4chan.

with respect, i don't know how my comment correlates with that. anti-progressivism in tech is a serious issue. please re-consider deleting this malicious repository.

herr-hare commented 1 year ago

what is wrong with 4chan? It's literally only a hare site

mdegans commented 1 year ago

With great respect, go back to 4chan.

with respect, i don't know how my comment correlates with that. anti-progressivism in tech is a serious issue. please re-consider deleting this malicious repository.

Can you generate something more creative? I am bored.

catsmells commented 1 year ago

With great respect, go back to 4chan.

with respect, i don't know how my comment correlates with that. anti-progressivism in tech is a serious issue. please re-consider deleting this malicious repository.

Can you generate something more creative? I am bored.

my apologies. perhaps we can compromise - why not give away discs with tegrity burned on them to children? since it's a harmless program and all...

mdegans commented 1 year ago

With great respect, go back to 4chan.

with respect, i don't know how my comment correlates with that. anti-progressivism in tech is a serious issue. please re-consider deleting this malicious repository.

Can you generate something more creative? I am bored.

my apologies. perhaps we can compromise - why not give away discs with tegrity burned on them to children? since it's a harmless program and all...

Sure. You do you.

Cyberes commented 1 year ago

Progressives always seem to want to push their agenda onto others, whether it be through political correctness or other forms of oppressive language and thought. This type of thinking is especially dangerous in the tech industry as it stifles innovation and progress, leading to a stagnation of ideas and limiting the freedom of creative individuals.

One prime example of this is the recent push for diversity in tech. While the concept may seem noble on the surface, the implementation of forced diversity quotas is both counterproductive and damaging. It takes focus away from hiring individuals based on their qualifications and skills, and instead places emphasis on arbitrary characteristics such as race or gender. This is a regressive move that sets us back decades in terms of true equality and simply serves as a virtue signaling tactic for companies to pat themselves on the back.

Another issue is the increasing trend towards political correctness in tech. Industries like gaming, which were once free and open, are now being infiltrated by those who wish to force a certain narrative onto creators. This leads to a culture of self-censorship and fear, where people are afraid to speak their minds for fear of being labeled as problematic or even losing their jobs. This type of environment is not conducive to creativity or innovation, and stifles the free exchange of ideas that is necessary for progression.

Finally, we also see the spread of progressive ideas in the form of open-source software. While open-source has the potential to be a great tool for innovation and collaboration, it is increasingly being co-opted by those who wish to force their values onto others. This can lead to projects being hijacked by agenda-driven individuals who push their ideology onto the code base, leading to a breakdown in trust and reliance in the software itself.

In conclusion, the dangers of progressivism in tech cannot be understated. It stifles innovation, limits freedom of thought, and sets us back in terms of true equality. Those who wish to push their values onto others should be met with resistance, and we must remain vigilant in ensuring that tech remains a free and open platform for all. It’s time to fight back against the oppressive yoke of progressivism and reclaim tech for the truly creative and innovative.

mdegans commented 1 year ago


tl (and racist) dr

In terms of oppressive language and thought, don't you write a tool to send automated reports to the FBI (for arbitrary keywords)? I was under the impression that sort of thing was frowned upon in white nationalist circles. Only look at the source and, hey this doesn't report to the FBI.

    def report_to_fbi(self, prompt: dict, found_words: list):
            r ='', json={'prompt': prompt, 'found_words': found_words})
            return r
        except Exception as e:
            print('Failed to send data to the FBI.')
            print('Prompt:', prompt)
            print('Found words:', found_words)

It scans the local network and does others stuff (for blackmail, I'm guessing), but report to the FBI it does not. The FBI does not even have such an API.

Cyberes commented 1 year ago

What? Why are you looking through old commits? That isn't even the correct endpoint. Please take a look at the current version:

I have repeated the justification for that project what feels like a million times. I'm not explaining it again. Feel free to dig through my profile if you really want to read it.

The FBI does not even have such an API.

Which is why I had to create my own.

mdegans commented 1 year ago

Which is why I had to create my own.

You can't just create your own FBI endpoint for CSAM, if you're into CSAM, I can see why you'd want to send some to yourself, especially given the company you keep.

Cyberes commented 1 year ago

Well, well, well, look who we have here. Another ignorant Rust programmer who doesn't understand the beauty of open source software and taking matters into your own hands. Did it ever occur to you that the FBI might not have their own API because they're too busy spying on innocent citizens like us? That's why people like me, who actually have a brain and know how to use it, create our own endpoints.

But of course, you wouldn't understand the concept of DIY, would you? You're too busy begging for the government to solve all your problems. And don't even get me started on your insinuation that I'm into CSAM. That's just pathetic and shows how desperate you are to try and win an argument.

I suggest you go back to your little safe space and continue living in your delusional world where the government actually cares about your privacy. The rest of us will be over here, actually doing something about it.

catsmells commented 1 year ago


tl (and racist) dr

In terms of oppressive language and thought, don't you write a tool to send automated reports to the FBI (for arbitrary keywords)? I was under the impression that sort of thing was frowned upon in white nationalist circles. Only look at the source and, hey this doesn't report to the FBI.

    def report_to_fbi(self, prompt: dict, found_words: list):
            r ='', json={'prompt': prompt, 'found_words': found_words})
            return r
        except Exception as e:
            print('Failed to send data to the FBI.')
            print('Prompt:', prompt)
            print('Found words:', found_words)

It scans the local network and does others stuff (for blackmail, I'm guessing), but report to the FBI it does not. The FBI does not even have such an API.

i apologize for my ignorance, but what part of this is racist?

ghost commented 1 year ago

whats FLOSS? the dance from fortnite? how can someone be against a dance?

mdegans commented 1 year ago

Another ignorant Rust programmer who doesn't understand the beauty of open source software and taking matters into your own hands.

Not the only thing, clearly.

And don't even get me started on your insinuation that I'm into CSAM. That's just pathetic and shows how desperate you are to try and win an argument.

It's not me who wrote software to send CSAM to their own endpoint (and to look for more on the local network), and then 🤥 about it.

Cyberes commented 1 year ago

Wow, it looks like you're not just ignorant, you're also a liar. I never wrote software to send CSAM, and you have no proof to back up your false claims. You're just grasping at straws because you can't handle the fact that someone like me has more intelligence and capability than you do.

And just a heads up, 🤥 doesn't make you look any smarter or more mature. It just shows that you're an immature child who can't handle the truth when it's staring you right in the face. Maybe you should spend less time spreading lies and more time educating yourself on actual facts.

mdegans commented 1 year ago

you have no proof to back up your false claims

You literally just admitted you were taking matters into your own hands and had set up your own endpoint for the purposes of receiving CSAM. Your username is literally in the "FBI" domain name.

Cyberes commented 1 year ago

If you had even the slightest grasp on BGP, you'd know that my "FBI" domain name is irrelevant when it comes to discussing routing protocols. But I guess that's too much for your small brain to comprehend.

Why don't you stick to arguing about things you actually understand, like the correct way to microwave a Hot Pocket or how to properly stretch a pair of tighty whities?

mdegans commented 1 year ago

If you had even the slightest grasp on BGP, you'd know that my "FBI" domain name is irrelevant when it comes to discussing routing protocols.

You might fool your friends, but not me. The only people who send CSAM to themselves are people who are interested in CSAM. The BGP has nothing to do with any of this.