mdegrazia / OnionPeeler

Python script to batch query the Tor Relays and Bridges
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Verison Mismatch #1

Open mdegrazia opened 7 years ago

mdegrazia commented 7 years ago

OnionOO just upgraded to version number 4. The OnionPy library used by this code only supports up to version 3. Until that gets updated, I commented out the following lines in my OnionPY Manger file that does the version check. It seems to work OK as a workaround until OnionPy updates the library.

if int(versions[0]) > self.OOO_VERSION_MAJOR:

raise MajorVersionMismatchError("Received OnionOO Document with version {}, this library only supports up to version {}".format(versions[0],self.OOO_VERSION_MAJOR))

My was located under C:\python27\Lib\site-packages\onion_py\manager.

mdegrazia commented 7 years ago

Instead of editing the OnionPy library, I added a line of code into the script to address this error.