mdelobelle / metadatamenu

For data management enthusiasts : type and manage the metadata of your notes.
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Does not accept values ​​from the dropdown list #641

Open Felharrim opened 3 months ago

Felharrim commented 3 months ago

Hello. I have recently encountered such a problem. If in a note that has only been assigned a class in the frontmatter part. And the (multi) property itself is specified in the body of the note itself, then the list drops out, but the value itself does not allow you to select until the same action is performed in the Frontmatter part at least once. In addition, after that, an error occurs in the table view tab - "TypeError item.this is not a function" If the property is of the Select type, then such an error will not occur. But it also won't allow you to select an option from the drop-down list. I tested a similar action on the test repository with version 0.7.7 and there was no such error

mdelobelle commented 3 months ago

Hi, I can't reproduce. Could you make a screen capture of what is happening?

Felharrim commented 3 months ago

@mdelobelle Yes please. Settings image

Here's what's happening...


Result of Table view with multi option image

but if you change it to the select type, you get image

Felharrim commented 3 months ago

Hello. I managed to find the cause of the problem. The lack of application of the value from the drop-down list was due to the choice in Scope - Frontmatter only. After changing to Fullnote, the problem went away. But there are two notes. This Frontmatter only setting was set from the very beginning. And when I first tried to apply metadata in the body of a note, the values ​​were applied from the beginning, until Obsidian was rebooted... Another question - if we select "Frontmatter only" why then does the list drop out?