mdelobelle / metadatamenu

For data management enthusiasts : type and manage the metadata of your notes.
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Obsidian freezes when a pdf is opened #660

Open vorpax opened 3 months ago

vorpax commented 3 months ago

Hey, I noticed that my app was freezing when a pdf file is opened in my vault. I'm quite upset as this has never happened before. In order to find what might cause such lags and freezes, I took a quick look at the dev console.

After monitoring performances in the dev console, I noticed that metadata-menu might be responsible for the lags.


It's rather weird as I added pdf files to the list of files to be excluded by metadata menu.


Is there any way to sort that out ? Am I the only one experiencing such lags ?

Please tell me if you need more details about my config !

freyart commented 2 months ago

Hello, I'm here to report that I have the same issue. PDFs files past a certain size, freeze the entire vault when opened, Disabling Metadata Menu solves the problem.

I tried to use Excluded folders and Excluded extensions to exclude pdfs but it doesn't solve the problem.

freyart commented 2 months ago

UPDATE After looking around the settings I found the culprit of the lag In the settings > Meta Menu button > Properties

Unchecking this checkbox removed the lag entirely when opening PDFs. As of why it does that, I could not say.