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Bulk insert filters table with no obvious way to revert to showing all results #664

Open jmonroynieto opened 2 months ago

jmonroynieto commented 2 months ago

After updating fields in bulk from the fileclass table view, the table is truncated to show the updated files only. This is nice to see to review changes. However, there is no way to return to a full listing of the results. I tried resetting the filters (it just filters among the changed files) and reloading all third-party plugins. The only effective way to reset the table view is to reload the obsidian instance (restart or ctrl+r).

Am I missing something?

Using the latest obsidian: v1.5.12 (installer 1.5.11) plugin version: 0.8.7 operating system: Manajro Installation: AUR package obsidian-bin