mdevilliers / SignalR.RabbitMq

MessageBus implementation using RabbitMq as the backing store.
MIT License
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StampExchangeName is null with RabbitMqScaleoutConfiguration constructor with IBus #28

Closed abax72 closed 10 years ago

abax72 commented 10 years ago

The StampExchangeName is not set in the constructor public RabbitMqScaleoutConfiguration(IBus bus, string exchangeName, string queueName = null)

This causes an ArgumentNullException in EasyNetQ

at EasyNetQ.Preconditions.CheckNotNull[T](T value, String name, String message) at EasyNetQ.Preconditions.CheckNotNull[T](T value, String name) at EasyNetQ.Preconditions.CheckShortString(String value, String name) at EasyNetQ.RabbitAdvancedBus.ExchangeDeclare(String name, String type, Boolean passive, Boolean durable, Boolean autoDelete, Boolean internal, String alternateExchange) at SignalR.RabbitMQ.EasyNetQRabbitConnection.StartListening() in c:\git\SignalR.RabbitMq\SignalR.RabbitMQ\EasyNetQRabbitConnection.cs:line 39 at SignalR.RabbitMQ.RabbitMqMessageBus.ConnectToRabbit() in c:\git\SignalR.RabbitMq\SignalR.RabbitMQ\RabbitMqMessageBus.cs:line 104 at SignalR.RabbitMQ.RabbitMqMessageBus..ctor(IDependencyResolver resolver, RabbitMqScaleoutConfiguration configuration, RabbitConnectionBase advancedConnectionInstance) in c:\git\SignalR.RabbitMq\SignalR.RabbitMQ\RabbitMqMessageBus.cs:line 61 at SignalR.RabbitMQ.DependencyResolverExtensions.<>cDisplayClass2.b0() in c:\git\SignalR.RabbitMq\SignalR.RabbitMQ\DependencyResolverExtensions.cs:line 16 at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()

name must not be null Parameter name: name

mdevilliers commented 10 years ago


I've had a look and pushed a change that should fix your issue. Can you try the master branch?

If you can confirm its fixed then I'll update the nuget package.

Thanks for your help,


abax72 commented 10 years ago


Your fix seems to work.


mdevilliers commented 10 years ago

Cool - I'll do a new version of the nuget package at the weekend and close the ticket when done.

Thanks again for your help,


mdevilliers commented 10 years ago

All updated on nuget -

