mdfeist / CMPUT301F12T12

CMPUT301 Class Project
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Create test case #4

Open mdfeist opened 12 years ago

mdfeist commented 12 years ago

Create JUnit test's

Test Cases: Provide JUnit test cases for your model classes and public methods. The interface to your model should be complete (and documented, above); however, the implementation need not be complete. Applying test-driven development, the test suite should test the entire interface of the model (not only the working part). Some tests will obviously fail because of incomplete functionality, and that is fine. Deliver the test code to your source repository. If you have test data files, also include those.

mdfeist commented 12 years ago

I still need people to start righting test. JUnit test are a huge part of the grade.

Test Cases:

• Test exist and run • Clearly comprehensive.

watts1 commented 12 years ago

Added some testing on the Release Schedule, check it out.

mdfeist commented 12 years ago

I need those JUnit test done ASAP.