mdhiggins / ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster

ESP8266 Compatible IR Blaster that accepts HTTP commands for use with services like Amazon Echo
MIT License
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LED not lighting - is there a problem with my RAW code? #211

Closed jxwolstenholme closed 5 years ago

jxwolstenholme commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I've spent a couple of days trying to get the LED to light up with a seemingly fairly odd protocol by Lutron lights. As I don't have an IR remote for them, I have had to use the pronto hex code that they provide in their documentation:

0000 0069 0007 0000 032a 010e 005a 010e 005a 005a 0168 005a 005a 010e 005a 00b4 005a 01c2

Converting this with IrSzrutinizer I get the raw code:

[20518,6839, 2280,6839, 2280,2280, 9119,2280, 2280,6839, 2280,4560, 2280,11399]

This doesn't seem to light up the LED and I have tried the test Sony code which does, so I can only assume that the circuit is wired correctly.

Is there any way of debugging why this might not be working for me? Is it perhaps something to do with how seemingly short the code is?

http://deviceip:port/json?pass=mypass&out=2&plain=[{"type”:”raw”,”data”:[20518,6839, 2280,6839, 2280,2280, 9119,2280, 2280,6839, 2280,4560, 2280,11399],”khz”:40,"repeat":3,"rdelay":800}]

Many thanks for any help in advance.

mdhiggins commented 5 years ago

Haven't had time to test this yet mostly because I don't know any pronto codes for my devices but here is a beta blueprint that supports sending pronto codes

#include <FS.h>                                               // This needs to be first, or it all crashes and burns

#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#include <IRrecv.h>
#include <IRutils.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h>                                      // WiFi Configuration Magic
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>                                      // Useful to access to ESP by hostname.local

#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include "sha256.h"

#include <Ticker.h>                                           // For LED status
#include <NTPClient.h>

// User settings are below here

const bool getExternalIP = true;                              // Set to false to disable querying external IP

const bool getTime = true;                                    // Set to false to disable querying for the time
const int timeOffset = -14400;                                // Timezone offset in seconds

const bool enableMDNSServices = true;                         // Use mDNS services, must be enabled for ArduinoOTA

const unsigned int captureBufSize = 150;                      // Size of the IR capture buffer.

// WEMOS users may need to adjust pins for compatability
const int pinr1 = 14;                                         // Receiving pin
const int pins1 = 4;                                          // Transmitting preset 1
const int pins2 = 5;                                          // Transmitting preset 2
const int pins3 = 12;                                         // Transmitting preset 3
const int pins4 = 13;                                         // Transmitting preset 4
const int configpin = 10;                                     // Reset Pin

// User settings are above here
const int ledpin = BUILTIN_LED;                               // Built in LED defined for WEMOS people
const char *wifi_config_name = "IR Controller Configuration";
const char serverName[] = "";
int port = 80;
char passcode[20] = "";
char host_name[20] = "";
char port_str[6] = "80";
char user_id[60] = "";
const char* fingerprint = "8D 83 C3 5F 0A 09 84 AE B0 64 39 23 8F 05 9E 4D 5E 08 60 06";

char static_ip[16] = "";
char static_gw[16] = "";
char static_sn[16] = "";

DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& deviceState = jsonBuffer.createObject();

ESP8266WebServer *server = NULL;
Ticker ticker;

bool shouldSaveConfig = false;                                // Flag for saving data
bool holdReceive = false;                                     // Flag to prevent IR receiving while transmitting

IRrecv irrecv(pinr1, captureBufSize);
IRsend irsend1(pins1);
IRsend irsend2(pins2);
IRsend irsend3(pins3);
IRsend irsend4(pins4);

const unsigned long resetfrequency = 259200000;                // 72 hours in milliseconds
//const char* poolServerName = "";
const char* poolServerName = "";

NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, poolServerName, timeOffset);

char _ip[16] = "";

unsigned long lastupdate = 0;

bool authError = false;
time_t timeAuthError = 0;
bool externalIPError = false;
bool userIDError = false;
bool ntpError = false;

class Code {
    char encoding[14] = "";
    char address[20] = "";
    char command[40] = "";
    char data[40] = "";
    String raw = "";
    int bits = 0;
    time_t timestamp = 0;
    bool valid = false;

// Declare prototypes
void sendCodePage(Code selCode);
void sendCodePage(Code selCode, int httpcode);
void cvrtCode(Code& codeData, decode_results *results);
void copyCode (Code& c1, Code& c2);

Code last_recv;
Code last_recv_2;
Code last_recv_3;
Code last_recv_4;
Code last_recv_5;
Code last_send;
Code last_send_2;
Code last_send_3;
Code last_send_4;
Code last_send_5;

// Callback notifying us of the need to save config
void saveConfigCallback () {
  Serial.println("Should save config");
  shouldSaveConfig = true;

// Reenable IR receiving
void resetReceive() {
  if (holdReceive) {
    Serial.println("Reenabling receiving");
    holdReceive = false;

// Valid user_id formatting
bool validUID(char* user_id) {
  if (!String(user_id).startsWith("amzn1.account.")) {
      Serial.println("Warning, user_id appears to be in the wrong format, security check will most likely fail. Should start with amzn1.account.***");
      return false;
    return true;

// Valid EPOCH time retrieval
bool validEPOCH(time_t timenow) {
  if (timenow < 922838400) {
    Serial.println("Epoch time from timeServer is unexpectedly old, probably failed connection to the time server. Check your network settings");
    return false;
  return true;

// EPOCH time to String
String epochToString(time_t timenow) {
  unsigned long hours = (timenow % 86400L) / 3600;
  String hourStr = hours < 10 ? "0" + String(hours) : String(hours);

  unsigned long minutes = (timenow % 3600) / 60;
  String minuteStr = minutes < 10 ? "0" + String(minutes) : String(minutes);

  unsigned long seconds = (timenow % 60);
  String secondStr = seconds < 10 ? "0" + String(seconds) : String(seconds);
  return hourStr + ":" + minuteStr + ":" + secondStr;

// Valid command request using HMAC
bool validateHMAC(String epid, String mid, String timestamp, String signature) {
    userIDError = false;
    authError = false;
    ntpError = false;
    timeAuthError = 0;

    userIDError = !(validUID(user_id));

    time_t timethen = timestamp.toInt();
    time_t timenow = timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset;
    time_t timediff = abs(timethen - timenow);
    if (timediff > 30) {
      Serial.println("Failed security check, signature is too old");
      Serial.print("Server: ");
      Serial.print("Local: ");
      Serial.print("MID: ");
      timeAuthError = timediff;
      return false;

    uint8_t *hash;
    String key = String(user_id);
    Sha256.initHmac((uint8_t*)key.c_str(), key.length()); // key, and length of key in bytes
    hash = Sha256.resultHmac();
    String computedSignature = bin2hex(hash, HASH_LENGTH);

    if (computedSignature != signature) {
      Serial.println("Failed security check, signatures do not match");
      Serial.print("1: ");
      Serial.print("2: ");
      Serial.print("MID: ");
      authError = true;
      return false;

    Serial.println("Passed security check");
    Serial.print("MID: ");
    return true;

// Get User_ID from Amazon Token (memory intensive and causes crashing)
String getUserID(String token)
  HTTPClient http;
  String url = "";
  String uid = "";
  http.begin(url + token, fingerprint);
  int httpCode = http.GET();
  String payload = http.getString();
  Serial.println(url + token);
  if (httpCode > 0 && httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
    DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(payload);
    uid = json["user_id"].as<String>();
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error retrieving user_id");
    payload = "";
  return uid;

// Toggle state
void tick()
  int state = digitalRead(ledpin);  // get the current state of GPIO1 pin
  digitalWrite(ledpin, !state);     // set pin to the opposite state

// Get External IP Address
String externalIP()
  if (!getExternalIP) {
    return ""; // User doesn't want the external IP

  if (strlen(_ip) > 0) {
    unsigned long delta = millis() - lastupdate;
    if (delta > resetfrequency || lastupdate == 0) {
      Serial.println("Reseting cached external IP address");
      strncpy(_ip, "", 16); // Reset the cached external IP every 72 hours
    } else {
      return String(_ip); // Return the cached external IP

  HTTPClient http;
  externalIPError = false;
  unsigned long start = millis();
  http.begin(serverName, 8245);
  int httpCode = http.GET();

  if (httpCode > 0 && httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
    String payload = http.getString();
    int pos_start = payload.indexOf("IP Address") + 12; // add 10 for "IP Address" and 2 for ":" + "space"
    int pos_end = payload.indexOf("</body>", pos_start); // add nothing
    strncpy(_ip, payload.substring(pos_start, pos_end).c_str(), 16);
    Serial.print(F("External IP: "));
    lastupdate = millis();
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error retrieving external IP");
    Serial.print("HTTP Code: ");
    externalIPError = true;

  Serial.print("External IP address request took ");
  Serial.print(millis() - start);
  Serial.println(" ms");

  return _ip;

// Turn off the Led after timeout
void disableLed()
  Serial.println("Turning off the LED to save power.");
  digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);                           // Shut down the LED
  ticker.detach();                                      // Stopping the ticker

// Gets called when WiFiManager enters configuration mode
void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) {
  Serial.println("Entered config mode");
  //if you used auto generated SSID, print it
  //entered config mode, make led toggle faster
  ticker.attach(0.2, tick);

// Gets called when device loses connection to the accesspoint
void lostWifiCallback (const WiFiEventStationModeDisconnected& evt) {
  Serial.println("Lost Wifi");
  // reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep

// First setup of the Wifi.
// If return true, the Wifi is well connected.
// Should not return false if Wifi cannot be connected, it will loop
bool setupWifi(bool resetConf) {
  // start ticker with 0.5 because we start in AP mode and try to connect
  ticker.attach(0.5, tick);

  // WiFiManager
  // Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
  WiFiManager wifiManager;
  // reset settings - for testing
  if (resetConf)

  // set callback that gets called when connecting to previous WiFi fails, and enters Access Point mode
  // set config save notify callback

  // Reset device if on config portal for greater than 3 minutes

  if (SPIFFS.begin()) {
    Serial.println("mounted file system");
    if (SPIFFS.exists("/config.json")) {
      //file exists, reading and loading
      Serial.println("reading config file");
      File configFile ="/config.json", "r");
      if (configFile) {
        Serial.println("opened config file");
        size_t size = configFile.size();
        // Allocate a buffer to store contents of the file.
        std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]);

        configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size);
        DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
        JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(buf.get());
        if (json.success()) {
          Serial.println("\nparsed json");

          if (json.containsKey("hostname")) strncpy(host_name, json["hostname"], 20);
          if (json.containsKey("passcode")) strncpy(passcode, json["passcode"], 20);
          if (json.containsKey("user_id")) strncpy(user_id, json["user_id"], 60);
          if (json.containsKey("port_str")) {
            strncpy(port_str, json["port_str"], 6);
            port = atoi(json["port_str"]);
          if (json.containsKey("ip")) strncpy(static_ip, json["ip"], 16);
          if (json.containsKey("gw")) strncpy(static_gw, json["gw"], 16);
          if (json.containsKey("sn")) strncpy(static_sn, json["sn"], 16);
        } else {
          Serial.println("failed to load json config");
  } else {
    Serial.println("failed to mount FS");

  WiFiManagerParameter custom_hostname("hostname", "Choose a hostname to this IR Controller", host_name, 20);
  WiFiManagerParameter custom_passcode("passcode", "Choose a passcode", passcode, 20);
  WiFiManagerParameter custom_port("port_str", "Choose a port", port_str, 6);
  WiFiManagerParameter custom_userid("user_id", "Enter your Amazon user_id", user_id, 60);

  IPAddress sip, sgw, ssn;
  Serial.println("Using Static IP");
  wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(sip, sgw, ssn);

  // fetches ssid and pass and tries to connect
  // if it does not connect it starts an access point with the specified name
  // and goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration
  if (!wifiManager.autoConnect(wifi_config_name)) {
    Serial.println("Failed to connect and hit timeout");
    // reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep

  // if you get here you have connected to the WiFi
  strncpy(host_name, custom_hostname.getValue(), 20);
  strncpy(passcode, custom_passcode.getValue(), 20);
  strncpy(port_str, custom_port.getValue(), 6);
  strncpy(user_id, custom_userid.getValue(), 60);
  port = atoi(port_str);

  if (server != NULL) {
    delete server;
  server = new ESP8266WebServer(port);

  // Reset device if lost wifi Connection

  Serial.println("WiFi connected! User chose hostname '" + String(host_name) + String("' passcode '") + String(passcode) + "' and port '" + String(port_str) + "'");

  // save the custom parameters to FS
  if (shouldSaveConfig) {
    Serial.println(" config...");
    DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.createObject();
    json["hostname"] = host_name;
    json["passcode"] = passcode;
    json["port_str"] = port_str;
    json["user_id"] = user_id;
    json["ip"] = WiFi.localIP().toString();
    json["gw"] = WiFi.gatewayIP().toString();
    json["sn"] = WiFi.subnetMask().toString();

    File configFile ="/config.json", "w");
    if (!configFile) {
      Serial.println("failed to open config file for writing");

    Serial.println("Writing config file");
    Serial.println("Config written successfully");

  // keep LED on
  digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
  return true;

// Setup web server and IR receiver/blaster
void setup() {
  // Initialize serial

  // set led pin as output
  pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);

  Serial.println("ESP8266 IR Controller");
  pinMode(configpin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  Serial.print("Config pin GPIO");
  Serial.print(" set to: ");
  if (!setupWifi(digitalRead(configpin) == LOW))

  Serial.println("WiFi configuration complete");

  if (strlen(host_name) > 0) {
  } else {
    WiFi.hostname().toCharArray(host_name, 20);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
  // Turn off the led in 2s
  ticker.attach(2, disableLed);

  Serial.print("Local IP: ");
  Serial.println("URL to send commands: http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + port_str);

  if (enableMDNSServices) {
    // Configure OTA Update
    ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
    ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
    ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
      Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
    ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
      Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
      if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed");
    Serial.println("ArduinoOTA started");

    // Configure mDNS
    MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", port); // Announce the ESP as an HTTP service
    Serial.println("MDNS http service added. Hostname is set to " + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port));

  // Configure the server
  server->on("/json", []() { // JSON handler for more complicated IR blaster routines
    Serial.println("Connection received - JSON");

    DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
    JsonArray& root = jsonBuffer.parseArray(server->arg("plain"));

    int simple = 0;
    if (server->hasArg("simple")) simple = server->arg("simple").toInt();
    String signature = server->arg("auth");
    String epid = server->arg("epid");
    String mid = server->arg("mid");
    String timestamp = server->arg("time");
    int out = (server->hasArg("out")) ? server->arg("out").toInt() : 1;

    if (!root.success()) {
      Serial.println("JSON parsing failed");
      if (simple) {
        server->send(400, "text/plain", "JSON parsing failed");
      } else {
        sendHomePage("JSON parsing failed", "Error", 3, 400); // 400
    } else if (strlen(passcode) != 0 && server->arg("pass") != passcode) {
      Serial.println("Unauthorized access");
      if (simple) {
        server->send(401, "text/plain", "Unauthorized, invalid passcode");
      } else {
        sendHomePage("Invalid passcode", "Unauthorized", 3, 401); // 401
    } else if (strlen(user_id) != 0 && !validateHMAC(epid, mid, timestamp, signature)) {
      server->send(401, "text/plain", "Unauthorized, HMAC security authentication failed");
    } else {
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
      ticker.attach(0.5, disableLed);

      // Handle device state limitations for the global JSON command request
      if (server->hasArg("device")) {
        String device = server->arg("device");
        Serial.println("Device name detected " + device);
        int state = (server->hasArg("state")) ? server->arg("state").toInt() : 0;
        if (deviceState.containsKey(device)) {
          Serial.println("Contains the key!");
          int currentState = deviceState[device];
          if (state == currentState) {
            if (simple) {
              server->send(200, "text/html", "Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
            } else {
              sendHomePage("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state, "Warning", 2); // 200
            Serial.println("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
          } else {
            Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
            deviceState[device] = state;
        } else {
          Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
          deviceState[device] = state;

      if (simple) {
        server->send(200, "text/html", "Success, code sent");

      String message = "Code sent";

      for (int x = 0; x < root.size(); x++) {
        String type = root[x]["type"];
        String ip = root[x]["ip"];
        int rdelay = root[x]["rdelay"];
        int pulse = root[x]["pulse"];
        int pdelay = root[x]["pdelay"];
        int repeat = root[x]["repeat"];
        int xout = root[x]["out"];
        if (xout == 0) {
          xout = out;
        int duty = root[x]["duty"];

        if (pulse <= 0) pulse = 1; // Make sure pulse isn't 0
        if (repeat <= 0) repeat = 1; // Make sure repeat isn't 0
        if (pdelay <= 0) pdelay = 100; // Default pdelay
        if (rdelay <= 0) rdelay = 1000; // Default rdelay
        if (duty <= 0) duty = 50; // Default duty

        // Handle device state limitations on a per JSON object basis
        String device = root[x]["device"];
        if (device != "") {
          int state = root[x]["state"];
          if (deviceState.containsKey(device)) {
            int currentState = deviceState[device];
            if (state == currentState) {
              Serial.println("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
              message = "Code sent. Some components of the code were held because device was already in appropriate state";
            } else {
              Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
              deviceState[device] = state;
          } else {
            Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
            deviceState[device] = state;

        if (type == "delay") {
        } else if (type == "raw") {
          JsonArray &raw = root[x]["data"]; // Array of unsigned int values for the raw signal
          int khz = root[x]["khz"];
          if (khz <= 0) khz = 38; // Default to 38khz if not set
          rawblast(raw, khz, rdelay, pulse, pdelay, repeat, pickIRsend(xout),duty);
        } else if (type == "pronto") {
          JsonArray &pdata = root[x]["data"]; // Array of values for pronto
          pronto(pdata, rdelay, pulse, pdelay, repeat, pickIRsend(xout));
        } else if (type == "roku") {
          String data = root[x]["data"];
          rokuCommand(ip, data, repeat, rdelay);
        } else {
          String data = root[x]["data"];
          String addressString = root[x]["address"];
          long address = strtoul(addressString.c_str(), 0, 0);
          int len = root[x]["length"];
          irblast(type, data, len, rdelay, pulse, pdelay, repeat, address, pickIRsend(xout));

      if (!simple) {
        Serial.println("Sending home page");
        sendHomePage(message, "Success", 1); // 200


  // Setup simple msg server to mirror version 1.0 functionality
  server->on("/msg", []() {
    Serial.println("Connection received - MSG");

    int simple = 0;
    if (server->hasArg("simple")) simple = server->arg("simple").toInt();
    String signature = server->arg("auth");
    String epid = server->arg("epid");
    String mid = server->arg("mid");
    String timestamp = server->arg("time");

    if (strlen(passcode) != 0 && server->arg("pass") != passcode) {
      Serial.println("Unauthorized access");
      if (simple) {
        server->send(401, "text/plain", "Unauthorized, invalid passcode");
      } else {
        sendHomePage("Invalid passcode", "Unauthorized", 3, 401); // 401
    } else if (strlen(user_id) != 0 && !validateHMAC(epid, mid, timestamp, signature)) {
      server->send(401, "text/plain", "Unauthorized, HMAC security authentication");
    } else {
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
      ticker.attach(0.5, disableLed);
      String type = server->arg("type");
      String data = server->arg("data");
      String ip = server->arg("ip");

      // Handle device state limitations
      if (server->hasArg("device")) {
        String device = server->arg("device");
        Serial.println("Device name detected " + device);
        int state = (server->hasArg("state")) ? server->arg("state").toInt() : 0;
        if (deviceState.containsKey(device)) {
          Serial.println("Contains the key!");
          int currentState = deviceState[device];
          if (state == currentState) {
            if (simple) {
              server->send(200, "text/html", "Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
            } else {
              sendHomePage("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state, "Warning", 2); // 200
            Serial.println("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
          } else {
            Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
            deviceState[device] = state;
        } else {
          Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
          deviceState[device] = state;

      int len = server->arg("length").toInt();
      long address = 0;
      if (server->hasArg("address")) {
        String addressString = server->arg("address");
        address = strtoul(addressString.c_str(), 0, 0);

      int rdelay = (server->hasArg("rdelay")) ? server->arg("rdelay").toInt() : 1000;
      int pulse = (server->hasArg("pulse")) ? server->arg("pulse").toInt() : 1;
      int pdelay = (server->hasArg("pdelay")) ? server->arg("pdelay").toInt() : 100;
      int repeat = (server->hasArg("repeat")) ? server->arg("repeat").toInt() : 1;
      int out = (server->hasArg("out")) ? server->arg("out").toInt() : 1;
      if (server->hasArg("code")) {
        String code = server->arg("code");
        char separator = ':';
        data = getValue(code, separator, 0);
        type = getValue(code, separator, 1);
        len = getValue(code, separator, 2).toInt();

      if (simple) {
        server->send(200, "text/html", "Success, code sent");

      if (type == "roku") {
        rokuCommand(ip, data, repeat, rdelay);
      } else {
        irblast(type, data, len, rdelay, pulse, pdelay, repeat, address, pickIRsend(out));

      if (!simple) {
        sendHomePage("Code Sent", "Success", 1); // 200

  server->on("/received", []() {
    Serial.println("Connection received");
    int id = server->arg("id").toInt();
    String output;
    if (id == 1 && last_recv.valid) {
    } else if (id == 2 && last_recv_2.valid) {
    } else if (id == 3 && last_recv_3.valid) {
    } else if (id == 4 && last_recv_4.valid) {
    } else if (id == 5 && last_recv_5.valid) {
    } else {
      sendHomePage("Code does not exist", "Alert", 2, 404); // 404

  server->on("/", []() {
    Serial.println("Connection received");
    sendHomePage(); // 200

  Serial.println("HTTP Server started on port " + String(port));


  if (strlen(user_id) > 0) {
    userIDError = !validUID(user_id);
    if (!userIDError) {
      Serial.println("No errors detected with security configuration");

    // Validation check time
    time_t timenow = timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset;
    bool validEpoch = validEPOCH(timenow);
    if (validEpoch) {
      Serial.println("EPOCH time obtained for security checks");
    } else {
      Serial.println("Invalid EPOCH time, security checks may fail if unable to sync with NTP server");

  Serial.println("Ready to send and receive IR signals");

// Send command to local roku
int rokuCommand(String ip, String data, int repeat, int rdelay) {
  String url = "http://" + ip + ":8060/" + data;
  HTTPClient http;

  int output = 0;

  for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
    Serial.println("Sending roku command");

    copyCode(last_send_4, last_send_5);
    copyCode(last_send_3, last_send_4);
    copyCode(last_send_2, last_send_3);
    copyCode(last_send, last_send_2);

    strncpy(, data.c_str(), 40);
    last_send.bits = 1;
    strncpy(last_send.encoding, "roku", 14);
    strncpy(last_send.address, ip.c_str(), 20);
    last_send.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();
    last_send.valid = true;

    output = http.POST("");

    if (r + 1 < repeat) delay(rdelay);
  return output;

// Split string by character
String getValue(String data, char separator, int index)
  int found = 0;
  int strIndex[] = {0, -1};
  int maxIndex = data.length() - 1;

  for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex && found <= index; i++) {
    if (data.charAt(i) == separator || i == maxIndex) {
      strIndex[0] = strIndex[1] + 1;
      strIndex[1] = (i == maxIndex) ? i + 1 : i;

  return found > index ? data.substring(strIndex[0], strIndex[1]) : "";

// Return which IRsend object to act on
IRsend pickIRsend (int out) {
  switch (out) {
    case 1: return irsend1;
    case 2: return irsend2;
    case 3: return irsend3;
    case 4: return irsend4;
    default: return irsend1;

// Display encoding type
String encoding(decode_results *results) {
  String output;
  switch (results->decode_type) {
    case UNKNOWN:      output = "UNKNOWN";            break;
    case NEC:          output = "NEC";                break;
    case SONY:         output = "SONY";               break;
    case RC5:          output = "RC5";                break;
    case RC6:          output = "RC6";                break;
    case DISH:         output = "DISH";               break;
    case SHARP:        output = "SHARP";              break;
    case JVC:          output = "JVC";                break;
    case SANYO:        output = "SANYO";              break;
    case SANYO_LC7461: output = "SANYO_LC7461";       break;
    case MITSUBISHI:   output = "MITSUBISHI";         break;
    case SAMSUNG:      output = "SAMSUNG";            break;
    case LG:           output = "LG";                 break;
    case WHYNTER:      output = "WHYNTER";            break;
    case AIWA_RC_T501: output = "AIWA_RC_T501";       break;
    case PANASONIC:    output = "PANASONIC";          break;
    case DENON:        output = "DENON";              break;
    case COOLIX:       output = "COOLIX";             break;
    case GREE:         output = "GREE";               break;
  return output;

// Code to string
void fullCode (decode_results *results)
  Serial.print("One line: ");
  serialPrintUint64(results->value, 16);
  Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
  if (results->repeat) Serial.print(" (Repeat)");
  if (results->overflow)
    Serial.println("WARNING: IR code too long. "
                   "Edit IRController.ino and increase captureBufSize");

// Send header HTML
void sendHeader() {

void sendHeader(int httpcode) {
  server->send(httpcode, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "");
  server->sendContent("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN' ''>\n");
  server->sendContent("<html xmlns='' xml:lang='en'>\n");
  server->sendContent("  <head>\n");
  server->sendContent("    <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=.75' />\n");
  server->sendContent("    <link rel='stylesheet' href='' />\n");
  server->sendContent("    <style>@media (max-width: 991px) {.nav-pills>li {float: none; margin-left: 0; margin-top: 5px; text-align: center;}}</style>\n");
  server->sendContent("    <title>ESP8266 IR Controller (" + String(host_name) + ")</title>\n");
  server->sendContent("  </head>\n");
  server->sendContent("  <body>\n");
  server->sendContent("    <div class='container'>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <h1><a href=''>ESP8266 IR Controller</a></h1>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='nav nav-pills'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li class='active'>\n");
  server->sendContent("              <a href='http://" + String(host_name) + ".local" + ":" + String(port) + "'>Hostname <span class='badge'>" + String(host_name) + ".local" + ":" + String(port) + "</span></a></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li class='active'>\n");
  server->sendContent("              <a href='http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "'>Local <span class='badge'>" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "</span></a></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li class='active'>\n");
  server->sendContent("              <a href='http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "'>External <span class='badge'>" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "</span></a></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li class='active'>\n");
  server->sendContent("              <a>MAC <span class='badge'>" + String(WiFi.macAddress()) + "</span></a></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("          </ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("        </div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      </div><hr />\n");

// Send footer HTML
void sendFooter() {
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>" + String(millis()) + "ms uptime; EPOCH " + String(timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset) + "</em> / <em id='jepoch'></em> ( <em id='jdiff'></em> )</div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <script>document.getElementById('jepoch').innerHTML = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)</script>");
  server->sendContent("      <script>document.getElementById('jdiff').innerHTML = Math.abs(Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) - " + String(timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset) + ")</script>");
  if (strlen(user_id) != 0)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Device secured with SHA256 authentication. Only commands sent and verified with Amazon Alexa and the IR Controller Skill will be processed</em></div></div>");
  if (authError)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - last authentication failed because HMAC signatures did not match, see serial output for debugging details</em></div></div>");
  if (timeAuthError > 0)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - last authentication failed because your timestamps are out of sync, see serial output for debugging details. Timediff: " + String(timeAuthError) + "</em></div></div>");
  if (externalIPError)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - unable to retrieve external IP address, this may be due to bad network settings. There is currently a bug with the latest versions of ESP8266 for Arduino, please use version 2.4.0 along with lwIP v1.4 Prebuilt to resolve this</em></div></div>");
  time_t timenow = timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset;
  if (!validEPOCH(timenow))
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - EPOCH time is inappropraitely low, likely connection to external time server has failed, check your network settings</em></div></div>");
  if (userIDError)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - your userID is in the wrong format and authentication will not work</em></div></div>");
  if (ntpError)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - last attempt to connect to the NTP server failed, check NTP settings and networking settings</em></div></div>");
  server->sendContent("    </div>\n");
  server->sendContent("  </body>\n");

// Stream home page HTML
void sendHomePage() {
  sendHomePage("", "");

void sendHomePage(String message, String header) {
  sendHomePage(message, header, 0);

void sendHomePage(String message, String header, int type) {
  sendHomePage(message, header, type, 200);

void sendHomePage(String message, String header, int type, int httpcode) {
  if (type == 1)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><div class='alert alert-success'><strong>" + header + "!</strong> " + message + "</div></div></div>\n");
  if (type == 2)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><div class='alert alert-warning'><strong>" + header + "!</strong> " + message + "</div></div></div>\n");
  if (type == 3)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><div class='alert alert-danger'><strong>" + header + "!</strong> " + message + "</div></div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <h3>Codes Transmitted</h3>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <table class='table table-striped' style='table-layout: fixed;'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <thead><tr><th>Sent</th><th>Command</th><th>Type</th><th>Length</th><th>Address</th></tr></thead>\n"); //Title
  server->sendContent("            <tbody>\n");
  if (last_send.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_send_2.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send_2.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_2.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_2.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_2.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_send_3.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send_3.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_3.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_3.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_3.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_send_4.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send_4.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_4.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_4.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_4.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_send_5.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send_5.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_5.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_5.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_5.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (!last_send.valid && !last_send_2.valid && !last_send_3.valid && !last_send_4.valid && !last_send_5.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr><td colspan='5' class='text-center'><em>No codes sent</em></td></tr>");
  server->sendContent("            </tbody></table>\n");
  server->sendContent("          </div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <h3>Codes Received</h3>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <table class='table table-striped' style='table-layout: fixed;'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <thead><tr><th>Received</th><th>Command</th><th>Type</th><th>Length</th><th>Address</th></tr></thead>\n"); //Title
  server->sendContent("            <tbody>\n");
  if (last_recv.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=1'>" + epochToString(last_recv.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_recv_2.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=2'>" + epochToString(last_recv_2.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_2.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_2.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_2.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_recv_3.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=3'>" + epochToString(last_recv_3.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_3.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_3.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_3.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_recv_4.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=4'>" + epochToString(last_recv_4.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_4.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_4.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_4.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_recv_5.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=5'>" + epochToString(last_recv_5.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_5.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_5.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_5.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (!last_recv.valid && !last_recv_2.valid && !last_recv_3.valid && !last_recv_4.valid && !last_recv_5.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr><td colspan='5' class='text-center'><em>No codes received</em></td></tr>");
  server->sendContent("            </tbody></table>\n");
  server->sendContent("          </div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pinr1) + "</span> Receiving </li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pins1) + "</span> Transmitter 1 </li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pins2) + "</span> Transmitter 2 </li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pins3) + "</span> Transmitter 3 </li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pins4) + "</span> Transmitter 4 </li></ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("        </div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      </div>\n");

// Stream code page HTML
void sendCodePage(Code selCode) {
  sendCodePage(selCode, 200);

void sendCodePage(Code selCode, int httpcode){
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <h2><span class='label label-success'>" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "</span></h2><br/>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Data</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Type</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(selCode.encoding)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Length</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(selCode.bits)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Address</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(selCode.address)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Raw</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(selCode.raw)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Timestamp</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + epochToString(selCode.timestamp)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("        </div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <div class='alert alert-warning'>Don't forget to add your passcode to the URLs below if you set one</div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      </div></div>\n");
  if (String(selCode.encoding) == "UNKNOWN") {
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':[" + String(selCode.raw) + "],'type':'raw','khz':38}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':[" + String(selCode.raw) + "],'type':'raw','khz':38}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':[" + String(selCode.raw) + "],'type':'raw','khz':38}]</pre></li></ul>\n");
  } else if (String(selCode.encoding) == "PANASONIC") {
  //} else if (strtoul(selCode.address, 0, 0) > 0) {
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "&address=" + String(selCode.address) + "</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "&address=" + String(selCode.address) + "</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "&address=" + String(selCode.address) + "</pre></li></ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + ",'address':'" + String(selCode.address) + "'}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + ",'address':'" + String(selCode.address) + "'}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + ",'address':'" + String(selCode.address) + "'}]</pre></li></ul>\n");
  } else {
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "</pre></li></ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + "}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + "}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + "}]</pre></li></ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("        </div>\n");
  server->sendContent("     </div>\n");

// Code to JsonObject
void cvrtCode(Code& codeData, decode_results *results) {
  strncpy(, uint64ToString(results->value, 16).c_str(), 40);
  strncpy(codeData.encoding, encoding(results).c_str(), 14);
  codeData.bits = results->bits;
  String r = "";
      for (uint16_t i = 1; i < results->rawlen; i++) {
      r += results->rawbuf[i] * RAWTICK;
      if (i < results->rawlen - 1)
        r += ",";                           // ',' not needed on last one
      //if (!(i & 1)) r += " ";
  codeData.raw = r;
  if (results->decode_type != UNKNOWN) {
    strncpy(codeData.address, ("0x" + String(results->address, HEX)).c_str(), 20);
    strncpy(codeData.command, ("0x" + String(results->command, HEX)).c_str(), 40);
  } else {
    strncpy(codeData.address, "0x0", 20);
    strncpy(codeData.command, "0x0", 40);

// Dump out the decode_results structure.
void dumpInfo(decode_results *results) {
  if (results->overflow)
    Serial.println("WARNING: IR code too long. "
                   "Edit IRrecv.h and increase RAWBUF");

  // Show Encoding standard
  Serial.print("Encoding  : ");

  // Show Code & length
  Serial.print("Code      : ");
  serialPrintUint64(results->value, 16);
  Serial.print(" (");
  Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
  Serial.println(" bits)");

// Dump out the decode_results structure.
void dumpRaw(decode_results *results) {
  // Print Raw data
  Serial.print(results->rawlen - 1, DEC);
  Serial.println("]: ");

  for (uint16_t i = 1;  i < results->rawlen;  i++) {
    if (i % 100 == 0)
      yield();  // Preemptive yield every 100th entry to feed the WDT.
    uint32_t x = results->rawbuf[i] * RAWTICK;
    if (!(i & 1)) {  // even
      if (x < 1000) Serial.print(" ");
      if (x < 100) Serial.print(" ");
      Serial.print(x, DEC);
    } else {  // odd
      Serial.print("     ");
      if (x < 1000) Serial.print(" ");
      if (x < 100) Serial.print(" ");
      Serial.print(x, DEC);
      if (i < results->rawlen - 1)
        Serial.print(", ");  // ',' not needed for last one
    if (!(i % 8)) Serial.println("");
  Serial.println("");  // Newline

// Dump out the decode_results structure.
void dumpCode(decode_results *results) {
  // Start declaration
  Serial.print("uint16_t  ");              // variable type
  Serial.print("rawData[");                // array name
  Serial.print(results->rawlen - 1, DEC);  // array size
  Serial.print("] = {");                   // Start declaration

  // Dump data
  for (uint16_t i = 1; i < results->rawlen; i++) {
    Serial.print(results->rawbuf[i] * RAWTICK, DEC);
    if (i < results->rawlen - 1)
      Serial.print(",");  // ',' not needed on last one
    if (!(i & 1)) Serial.print(" ");

  // End declaration
  Serial.print("};");  //

  // Comment
  Serial.print("  // ");
  Serial.print(" ");
  serialPrintUint64(results->value, 16);

  // Newline

  // Now dump "known" codes
  if (results->decode_type != UNKNOWN) {
    // Some protocols have an address &/or command.
    // NOTE: It will ignore the atypical case when a message has been decoded
    // but the address & the command are both 0.
    if (results->address > 0 || results->command > 0) {
      Serial.print("uint32_t  address = 0x");
      Serial.print(results->address, HEX);
      Serial.print("uint32_t  command = 0x");
      Serial.print(results->command, HEX);

    // All protocols have data
    Serial.print("uint64_t  data = 0x");
    serialPrintUint64(results->value, 16);

// Binary value to hex
String bin2hex(const uint8_t* bin, const int length) {
  String hex = "";

  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    if (bin[i] < 16) {
      hex += "0";
    hex += String(bin[i], HEX);

  return hex;

// Send IR codes to variety of sources
void irblast(String type, String dataStr, unsigned int len, int rdelay, int pulse, int pdelay, int repeat, long address, IRsend irsend) {
  Serial.println("Blasting off");
  uint64_t data = strtoull(("0x" + dataStr).c_str(), 0, 0);
  holdReceive = true;
  Serial.println("Blocking incoming IR signals");
  // Repeat Loop
  for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
    // Pulse Loop
    for (int p = 0; p < pulse; p++) {
      serialPrintUint64(data, HEX);
      if (type == "nec") {
        irsend.sendNEC(data, len);
      } else if (type == "sony") {
        irsend.sendSony(data, len);
      } else if (type == "coolix") {
        irsend.sendCOOLIX(data, len);
      } else if (type == "whynter") {
        irsend.sendWhynter(data, len);
      } else if (type == "panasonic") {
        Serial.print("Address: ");
        irsend.sendPanasonic(address, data);
      } else if (type == "jvc") {
        irsend.sendJVC(data, len, 0);
      } else if (type == "samsung") {
        irsend.sendSAMSUNG(data, len);
      } else if (type == "sharpraw") {
        irsend.sendSharpRaw(data, len);
      } else if (type == "dish") {
        irsend.sendDISH(data, len);
      } else if (type == "rc5") {
        irsend.sendRC5(data, len);
      } else if (type == "rc6") {
        irsend.sendRC6(data, len);
      } else if (type == "denon") {
        irsend.sendDenon(data, len);
      } else if (type == "lg") {
        irsend.sendLG(data, len);
      } else if (type == "sharp") {
        irsend.sendSharpRaw(data, len);
      } else if (type == "rcmm") {
        irsend.sendRCMM(data, len);
      } else if (type == "gree") {
        irsend.sendGree(data, len);
      } else if (type == "roomba") {
        roomba_send(atoi(dataStr.c_str()), pulse, pdelay, irsend);
      if (p + 1 < pulse) delay(pdelay);
    if (r + 1 < repeat) delay(rdelay);

  Serial.println("Transmission complete");

  copyCode(last_send_4, last_send_5);
  copyCode(last_send_3, last_send_4);
  copyCode(last_send_2, last_send_3);
  copyCode(last_send, last_send_2);

  strncpy(, dataStr.c_str(), 40);
  last_send.bits = len;
  strncpy(last_send.encoding, type.c_str(), 14);
  strncpy(last_send.address, ("0x" + String(address, HEX)).c_str(), 20);
  last_send.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();
  last_send.valid = true;


void pronto(JsonArray &pronto, int rdelay, int pulse, int pdelay, int repeat, IRsend irsend) {
  Serial.println("Pronto transmit");
  holdReceive = true;
  Serial.println("Blocking incoming IR signals");
  int psize = pronto.size();
  // Repeat Loop
  for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
    // Pulse Loop
    for (int p = 0; p < pulse; p++) {
      Serial.println("Sending pronto code");
      uint16_t output[psize];
      for (int d = 0; d < psize; d++) {
        uint16_t phex = pronto[d];
        output[d] = phex;
        // String phexp = "0x" + phex;
        //output[d] = strtoul(phexp.c_str(), 0, 0);
        Serial.print(" ");
      irsend.sendPronto(output, psize);
      if (p + 1 < pulse) delay(pdelay);
    if (r + 1 < repeat) delay(rdelay);
  Serial.println("Transmission complete");

  copyCode(last_send_4, last_send_5);
  copyCode(last_send_3, last_send_4);
  copyCode(last_send_2, last_send_3);
  copyCode(last_send, last_send_2);

  strncpy(, "", 40);
  last_send.bits = psize;
  strncpy(last_send.encoding, "PRONTO", 14);
  strncpy(last_send.address, "0x0", 20);
  last_send.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();
  last_send.valid = true;


void rawblast(JsonArray &raw, int khz, int rdelay, int pulse, int pdelay, int repeat, IRsend irsend,int duty) {
  Serial.println("Raw transmit");
  holdReceive = true;
  Serial.println("Blocking incoming IR signals");
  // Repeat Loop
  for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
    // Pulse Loop
    for (int p = 0; p < pulse; p++) {
      Serial.println("Sending code");
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < raw.size(); i++) {
        int val = raw[i];
        if (i & 1), val));
        else       irsend.mark(val);
      if (p + 1 < pulse) delay(pdelay);
    if (r + 1 < repeat) delay(rdelay);

  Serial.println("Transmission complete");

  copyCode(last_send_4, last_send_5);
  copyCode(last_send_3, last_send_4);
  copyCode(last_send_2, last_send_3);
  copyCode(last_send, last_send_2);

  strncpy(, "", 40);
  last_send.bits = raw.size();
  strncpy(last_send.encoding, "RAW", 14);
  strncpy(last_send.address, "0x0", 20);
  last_send.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();
  last_send.valid = true;


void roomba_send(int code, int pulse, int pdelay, IRsend irsend)
  Serial.print("Sending Roomba code ");
  holdReceive = true;
  Serial.println("Blocking incoming IR signals");

  int length = 8;
  uint16_t raw[length * 2];
  unsigned int one_pulse = 3000;
  unsigned int one_break = 1000;
  unsigned int zero_pulse = one_break;
  unsigned int zero_break = one_pulse;
  uint16_t len = 15;
  uint16_t hz = 38;

  int arrayposition = 0;
  for (int counter = length - 1; counter >= 0; --counter) {
    if (code & (1 << counter)) {
      raw[arrayposition] = one_pulse;
      raw[arrayposition + 1] = one_break;
    else {
      raw[arrayposition] = zero_pulse;
      raw[arrayposition + 1] = zero_break;
    arrayposition = arrayposition + 2;
  for (int i = 0; i < pulse; i++) {
    irsend.sendRaw(raw, len, hz);


void copyCode (Code& c1, Code& c2) {
  strncpy(,, 40);
  strncpy(c2.encoding, c1.encoding, 14);
  //strncpy(c2.timestamp, c1.timestamp, 40);
  strncpy(c2.address, c1.address, 20);
  strncpy(c2.command, c1.command, 40);
  c2.bits = c1.bits;
  c2.raw = c1.raw;
  c2.timestamp = c1.timestamp;
  c2.valid = c1.valid;

void loop() {
  decode_results  results;                                        // Somewhere to store the results

  if (irrecv.decode(&results) && !holdReceive) {                  // Grab an IR code
    Serial.println("Signal received:");
    fullCode(&results);                                           // Print the singleline value
    dumpCode(&results);                                           // Output the results as source code
    copyCode(last_recv_4, last_recv_5);                           // Pass
    copyCode(last_recv_3, last_recv_4);                           // Pass
    copyCode(last_recv_2, last_recv_3);                           // Pass
    copyCode(last_recv, last_recv_2);                             // Pass
    cvrtCode(last_recv, &results);                                // Store the results
    last_recv.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();               // Set the new update time
    last_recv.valid = true;
    Serial.println("");                                           // Blank line between entries
    irrecv.resume();                                              // Prepare for the next value
    digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);                                    // Turn on the LED for 0.5 seconds
    ticker.attach(0.5, disableLed);

Sample URL using your pronto code[{type:'pronto',data:[0000,0069,0007,0000,032a,010e,005a,010e,005a,005a,0168,005a,005a,010e,005a,00b4,005a,01c2]}]

jxwolstenholme commented 5 years ago

@mdhiggins Thanks for sharing! unfortunately it still doesn't work for me. The led is now lighting but not working with the pronto codes that I have access to.

Is there any chance that the following (taken from the protocol specification) makes sense to you as to why it might not work? I feel like it might be some sort of non-standard format.

IR Carrier Frequency: 40.0 kHz Duty Cycle: 40% Single Bit Time: 2.288 milliseconds Baud Rate: 437 bps Command Length: 36 bits Command Duration: 82.368 milliseconds Logic One: Presence of IR modulated at 40.0 kHz Logic Zero: Absence of IR Transmit Order: Transmit the most significant bit first General Function: IR code is transmitted while a button is held down Timeout Function: Timeouts may not occur until at least seven-seconds of continuous IR transmission has taken place.


mdhiggins commented 5 years ago

Actually I think I there's an error in the above blueprint that's not translating the array of URL parameters for the pronto codes into the appropriate uint_16 format needed. I'll have a new test blueprint for you shortly

mdhiggins commented 5 years ago

Alright give this a try

And for the pronto codes prefix each entry with a 0x to indicate they are in HEX format (if that doesn't work you can try without the 0x too)

Example URL[{type:'pronto',data:[0x0000, 0x0069, 0x0007, 0x0000, 0x032a, 0x010e, 0x005a, 0x010e, 0x005a, 0x005a, 0x0168, 0x005a, 0x005a, 0x010e, 0x005a, 0x00b4, 0x005a, 0x01c2]}]

#include <FS.h>                                               // This needs to be first, or it all crashes and burns

#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#include <IRrecv.h>
#include <IRutils.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h>                                      // WiFi Configuration Magic
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>                                      // Useful to access to ESP by hostname.local

#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include "sha256.h"

#include <Ticker.h>                                           // For LED status
#include <NTPClient.h>

// User settings are below here

const bool getExternalIP = true;                              // Set to false to disable querying external IP

const bool getTime = true;                                    // Set to false to disable querying for the time
const int timeOffset = -14400;                                // Timezone offset in seconds

const bool enableMDNSServices = true;                         // Use mDNS services, must be enabled for ArduinoOTA

const unsigned int captureBufSize = 150;                      // Size of the IR capture buffer.

// WEMOS users may need to adjust pins for compatability
const int pinr1 = 14;                                         // Receiving pin
const int pins1 = 4;                                          // Transmitting preset 1
const int pins2 = 5;                                          // Transmitting preset 2
const int pins3 = 12;                                         // Transmitting preset 3
const int pins4 = 13;                                         // Transmitting preset 4
const int configpin = 10;                                     // Reset Pin

// User settings are above here
const int ledpin = BUILTIN_LED;                               // Built in LED defined for WEMOS people
const char *wifi_config_name = "IR Controller Configuration";
const char serverName[] = "";
int port = 80;
char passcode[20] = "";
char host_name[20] = "";
char port_str[6] = "80";
char user_id[60] = "";
const char* fingerprint = "8D 83 C3 5F 0A 09 84 AE B0 64 39 23 8F 05 9E 4D 5E 08 60 06";

char static_ip[16] = "";
char static_gw[16] = "";
char static_sn[16] = "";

DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& deviceState = jsonBuffer.createObject();

ESP8266WebServer *server = NULL;
Ticker ticker;

bool shouldSaveConfig = false;                                // Flag for saving data
bool holdReceive = false;                                     // Flag to prevent IR receiving while transmitting

IRrecv irrecv(pinr1, captureBufSize);
IRsend irsend1(pins1);
IRsend irsend2(pins2);
IRsend irsend3(pins3);
IRsend irsend4(pins4);

const unsigned long resetfrequency = 259200000;                // 72 hours in milliseconds
//const char* poolServerName = "";
const char* poolServerName = "";

NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, poolServerName, timeOffset);

char _ip[16] = "";

unsigned long lastupdate = 0;

bool authError = false;
time_t timeAuthError = 0;
bool externalIPError = false;
bool userIDError = false;
bool ntpError = false;

class Code {
    char encoding[14] = "";
    char address[20] = "";
    char command[40] = "";
    char data[40] = "";
    String raw = "";
    int bits = 0;
    time_t timestamp = 0;
    bool valid = false;

// Declare prototypes
void sendCodePage(Code selCode);
void sendCodePage(Code selCode, int httpcode);
void cvrtCode(Code& codeData, decode_results *results);
void copyCode (Code& c1, Code& c2);

Code last_recv;
Code last_recv_2;
Code last_recv_3;
Code last_recv_4;
Code last_recv_5;
Code last_send;
Code last_send_2;
Code last_send_3;
Code last_send_4;
Code last_send_5;

// Callback notifying us of the need to save config
void saveConfigCallback () {
  Serial.println("Should save config");
  shouldSaveConfig = true;

// Reenable IR receiving
void resetReceive() {
  if (holdReceive) {
    Serial.println("Reenabling receiving");
    holdReceive = false;

// Valid user_id formatting
bool validUID(char* user_id) {
  if (!String(user_id).startsWith("amzn1.account.")) {
      Serial.println("Warning, user_id appears to be in the wrong format, security check will most likely fail. Should start with amzn1.account.***");
      return false;
    return true;

// Valid EPOCH time retrieval
bool validEPOCH(time_t timenow) {
  if (timenow < 922838400) {
    Serial.println("Epoch time from timeServer is unexpectedly old, probably failed connection to the time server. Check your network settings");
    return false;
  return true;

// EPOCH time to String
String epochToString(time_t timenow) {
  unsigned long hours = (timenow % 86400L) / 3600;
  String hourStr = hours < 10 ? "0" + String(hours) : String(hours);

  unsigned long minutes = (timenow % 3600) / 60;
  String minuteStr = minutes < 10 ? "0" + String(minutes) : String(minutes);

  unsigned long seconds = (timenow % 60);
  String secondStr = seconds < 10 ? "0" + String(seconds) : String(seconds);
  return hourStr + ":" + minuteStr + ":" + secondStr;

// Valid command request using HMAC
bool validateHMAC(String epid, String mid, String timestamp, String signature) {
    userIDError = false;
    authError = false;
    ntpError = false;
    timeAuthError = 0;

    userIDError = !(validUID(user_id));

    time_t timethen = timestamp.toInt();
    time_t timenow = timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset;
    time_t timediff = abs(timethen - timenow);
    if (timediff > 30) {
      Serial.println("Failed security check, signature is too old");
      Serial.print("Server: ");
      Serial.print("Local: ");
      Serial.print("MID: ");
      timeAuthError = timediff;
      return false;

    uint8_t *hash;
    String key = String(user_id);
    Sha256.initHmac((uint8_t*)key.c_str(), key.length()); // key, and length of key in bytes
    hash = Sha256.resultHmac();
    String computedSignature = bin2hex(hash, HASH_LENGTH);

    if (computedSignature != signature) {
      Serial.println("Failed security check, signatures do not match");
      Serial.print("1: ");
      Serial.print("2: ");
      Serial.print("MID: ");
      authError = true;
      return false;

    Serial.println("Passed security check");
    Serial.print("MID: ");
    return true;

// Get User_ID from Amazon Token (memory intensive and causes crashing)
String getUserID(String token)
  HTTPClient http;
  String url = "";
  String uid = "";
  http.begin(url + token, fingerprint);
  int httpCode = http.GET();
  String payload = http.getString();
  Serial.println(url + token);
  if (httpCode > 0 && httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
    DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(payload);
    uid = json["user_id"].as<String>();
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error retrieving user_id");
    payload = "";
  return uid;

// Toggle state
void tick()
  int state = digitalRead(ledpin);  // get the current state of GPIO1 pin
  digitalWrite(ledpin, !state);     // set pin to the opposite state

// Get External IP Address
String externalIP()
  if (!getExternalIP) {
    return ""; // User doesn't want the external IP

  if (strlen(_ip) > 0) {
    unsigned long delta = millis() - lastupdate;
    if (delta > resetfrequency || lastupdate == 0) {
      Serial.println("Reseting cached external IP address");
      strncpy(_ip, "", 16); // Reset the cached external IP every 72 hours
    } else {
      return String(_ip); // Return the cached external IP

  HTTPClient http;
  externalIPError = false;
  unsigned long start = millis();
  http.begin(serverName, 8245);
  int httpCode = http.GET();

  if (httpCode > 0 && httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
    String payload = http.getString();
    int pos_start = payload.indexOf("IP Address") + 12; // add 10 for "IP Address" and 2 for ":" + "space"
    int pos_end = payload.indexOf("</body>", pos_start); // add nothing
    strncpy(_ip, payload.substring(pos_start, pos_end).c_str(), 16);
    Serial.print(F("External IP: "));
    lastupdate = millis();
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error retrieving external IP");
    Serial.print("HTTP Code: ");
    externalIPError = true;

  Serial.print("External IP address request took ");
  Serial.print(millis() - start);
  Serial.println(" ms");

  return _ip;

// Turn off the Led after timeout
void disableLed()
  Serial.println("Turning off the LED to save power.");
  digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);                           // Shut down the LED
  ticker.detach();                                      // Stopping the ticker

// Gets called when WiFiManager enters configuration mode
void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) {
  Serial.println("Entered config mode");
  //if you used auto generated SSID, print it
  //entered config mode, make led toggle faster
  ticker.attach(0.2, tick);

// Gets called when device loses connection to the accesspoint
void lostWifiCallback (const WiFiEventStationModeDisconnected& evt) {
  Serial.println("Lost Wifi");
  // reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep

// First setup of the Wifi.
// If return true, the Wifi is well connected.
// Should not return false if Wifi cannot be connected, it will loop
bool setupWifi(bool resetConf) {
  // start ticker with 0.5 because we start in AP mode and try to connect
  ticker.attach(0.5, tick);

  // WiFiManager
  // Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
  WiFiManager wifiManager;
  // reset settings - for testing
  if (resetConf)

  // set callback that gets called when connecting to previous WiFi fails, and enters Access Point mode
  // set config save notify callback

  // Reset device if on config portal for greater than 3 minutes

  if (SPIFFS.begin()) {
    Serial.println("mounted file system");
    if (SPIFFS.exists("/config.json")) {
      //file exists, reading and loading
      Serial.println("reading config file");
      File configFile ="/config.json", "r");
      if (configFile) {
        Serial.println("opened config file");
        size_t size = configFile.size();
        // Allocate a buffer to store contents of the file.
        std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]);

        configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size);
        DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
        JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(buf.get());
        if (json.success()) {
          Serial.println("\nparsed json");

          if (json.containsKey("hostname")) strncpy(host_name, json["hostname"], 20);
          if (json.containsKey("passcode")) strncpy(passcode, json["passcode"], 20);
          if (json.containsKey("user_id")) strncpy(user_id, json["user_id"], 60);
          if (json.containsKey("port_str")) {
            strncpy(port_str, json["port_str"], 6);
            port = atoi(json["port_str"]);
          if (json.containsKey("ip")) strncpy(static_ip, json["ip"], 16);
          if (json.containsKey("gw")) strncpy(static_gw, json["gw"], 16);
          if (json.containsKey("sn")) strncpy(static_sn, json["sn"], 16);
        } else {
          Serial.println("failed to load json config");
  } else {
    Serial.println("failed to mount FS");

  WiFiManagerParameter custom_hostname("hostname", "Choose a hostname to this IR Controller", host_name, 20);
  WiFiManagerParameter custom_passcode("passcode", "Choose a passcode", passcode, 20);
  WiFiManagerParameter custom_port("port_str", "Choose a port", port_str, 6);
  WiFiManagerParameter custom_userid("user_id", "Enter your Amazon user_id", user_id, 60);

  IPAddress sip, sgw, ssn;
  Serial.println("Using Static IP");
  wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(sip, sgw, ssn);

  // fetches ssid and pass and tries to connect
  // if it does not connect it starts an access point with the specified name
  // and goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration
  if (!wifiManager.autoConnect(wifi_config_name)) {
    Serial.println("Failed to connect and hit timeout");
    // reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep

  // if you get here you have connected to the WiFi
  strncpy(host_name, custom_hostname.getValue(), 20);
  strncpy(passcode, custom_passcode.getValue(), 20);
  strncpy(port_str, custom_port.getValue(), 6);
  strncpy(user_id, custom_userid.getValue(), 60);
  port = atoi(port_str);

  if (server != NULL) {
    delete server;
  server = new ESP8266WebServer(port);

  // Reset device if lost wifi Connection

  Serial.println("WiFi connected! User chose hostname '" + String(host_name) + String("' passcode '") + String(passcode) + "' and port '" + String(port_str) + "'");

  // save the custom parameters to FS
  if (shouldSaveConfig) {
    Serial.println(" config...");
    DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.createObject();
    json["hostname"] = host_name;
    json["passcode"] = passcode;
    json["port_str"] = port_str;
    json["user_id"] = user_id;
    json["ip"] = WiFi.localIP().toString();
    json["gw"] = WiFi.gatewayIP().toString();
    json["sn"] = WiFi.subnetMask().toString();

    File configFile ="/config.json", "w");
    if (!configFile) {
      Serial.println("failed to open config file for writing");

    Serial.println("Writing config file");
    Serial.println("Config written successfully");

  // keep LED on
  digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
  return true;

// Setup web server and IR receiver/blaster
void setup() {
  // Initialize serial

  // set led pin as output
  pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);

  Serial.println("ESP8266 IR Controller");
  pinMode(configpin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  Serial.print("Config pin GPIO");
  Serial.print(" set to: ");
  if (!setupWifi(digitalRead(configpin) == LOW))

  Serial.println("WiFi configuration complete");

  if (strlen(host_name) > 0) {
  } else {
    WiFi.hostname().toCharArray(host_name, 20);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
  // Turn off the led in 2s
  ticker.attach(2, disableLed);

  Serial.print("Local IP: ");
  Serial.println("URL to send commands: http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + port_str);

  if (enableMDNSServices) {
    // Configure OTA Update
    ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
    ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
    ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
      Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
    ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
      Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
      if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed");
      else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed");
    Serial.println("ArduinoOTA started");

    // Configure mDNS
    MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", port); // Announce the ESP as an HTTP service
    Serial.println("MDNS http service added. Hostname is set to " + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port));

  // Configure the server
  server->on("/json", []() { // JSON handler for more complicated IR blaster routines
    Serial.println("Connection received - JSON");

    DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
    JsonArray& root = jsonBuffer.parseArray(server->arg("plain"));

    int simple = 0;
    if (server->hasArg("simple")) simple = server->arg("simple").toInt();
    String signature = server->arg("auth");
    String epid = server->arg("epid");
    String mid = server->arg("mid");
    String timestamp = server->arg("time");
    int out = (server->hasArg("out")) ? server->arg("out").toInt() : 1;

    if (!root.success()) {
      Serial.println("JSON parsing failed");
      if (simple) {
        server->send(400, "text/plain", "JSON parsing failed");
      } else {
        sendHomePage("JSON parsing failed", "Error", 3, 400); // 400
    } else if (strlen(passcode) != 0 && server->arg("pass") != passcode) {
      Serial.println("Unauthorized access");
      if (simple) {
        server->send(401, "text/plain", "Unauthorized, invalid passcode");
      } else {
        sendHomePage("Invalid passcode", "Unauthorized", 3, 401); // 401
    } else if (strlen(user_id) != 0 && !validateHMAC(epid, mid, timestamp, signature)) {
      server->send(401, "text/plain", "Unauthorized, HMAC security authentication failed");
    } else {
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
      ticker.attach(0.5, disableLed);

      // Handle device state limitations for the global JSON command request
      if (server->hasArg("device")) {
        String device = server->arg("device");
        Serial.println("Device name detected " + device);
        int state = (server->hasArg("state")) ? server->arg("state").toInt() : 0;
        if (deviceState.containsKey(device)) {
          Serial.println("Contains the key!");
          int currentState = deviceState[device];
          if (state == currentState) {
            if (simple) {
              server->send(200, "text/html", "Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
            } else {
              sendHomePage("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state, "Warning", 2); // 200
            Serial.println("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
          } else {
            Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
            deviceState[device] = state;
        } else {
          Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
          deviceState[device] = state;

      if (simple) {
        server->send(200, "text/html", "Success, code sent");

      String message = "Code sent";

      for (int x = 0; x < root.size(); x++) {
        String type = root[x]["type"];
        String ip = root[x]["ip"];
        int rdelay = root[x]["rdelay"];
        int pulse = root[x]["pulse"];
        int pdelay = root[x]["pdelay"];
        int repeat = root[x]["repeat"];
        int xout = root[x]["out"];
        if (xout == 0) {
          xout = out;
        int duty = root[x]["duty"];

        if (pulse <= 0) pulse = 1; // Make sure pulse isn't 0
        if (repeat <= 0) repeat = 1; // Make sure repeat isn't 0
        if (pdelay <= 0) pdelay = 100; // Default pdelay
        if (rdelay <= 0) rdelay = 1000; // Default rdelay
        if (duty <= 0) duty = 50; // Default duty

        // Handle device state limitations on a per JSON object basis
        String device = root[x]["device"];
        if (device != "") {
          int state = root[x]["state"];
          if (deviceState.containsKey(device)) {
            int currentState = deviceState[device];
            if (state == currentState) {
              Serial.println("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
              message = "Code sent. Some components of the code were held because device was already in appropriate state";
            } else {
              Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
              deviceState[device] = state;
          } else {
            Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
            deviceState[device] = state;

        if (type == "delay") {
        } else if (type == "raw") {
          JsonArray &raw = root[x]["data"]; // Array of unsigned int values for the raw signal
          int khz = root[x]["khz"];
          if (khz <= 0) khz = 38; // Default to 38khz if not set
          rawblast(raw, khz, rdelay, pulse, pdelay, repeat, pickIRsend(xout),duty);
        } else if (type == "pronto") {
          JsonArray &pdata = root[x]["data"]; // Array of values for pronto
          pronto(pdata, rdelay, pulse, pdelay, repeat, pickIRsend(xout));
        } else if (type == "roku") {
          String data = root[x]["data"];
          rokuCommand(ip, data, repeat, rdelay);
        } else {
          String data = root[x]["data"];
          String addressString = root[x]["address"];
          long address = strtoul(addressString.c_str(), 0, 0);
          int len = root[x]["length"];
          irblast(type, data, len, rdelay, pulse, pdelay, repeat, address, pickIRsend(xout));

      if (!simple) {
        Serial.println("Sending home page");
        sendHomePage(message, "Success", 1); // 200


  // Setup simple msg server to mirror version 1.0 functionality
  server->on("/msg", []() {
    Serial.println("Connection received - MSG");

    int simple = 0;
    if (server->hasArg("simple")) simple = server->arg("simple").toInt();
    String signature = server->arg("auth");
    String epid = server->arg("epid");
    String mid = server->arg("mid");
    String timestamp = server->arg("time");

    if (strlen(passcode) != 0 && server->arg("pass") != passcode) {
      Serial.println("Unauthorized access");
      if (simple) {
        server->send(401, "text/plain", "Unauthorized, invalid passcode");
      } else {
        sendHomePage("Invalid passcode", "Unauthorized", 3, 401); // 401
    } else if (strlen(user_id) != 0 && !validateHMAC(epid, mid, timestamp, signature)) {
      server->send(401, "text/plain", "Unauthorized, HMAC security authentication");
    } else {
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
      ticker.attach(0.5, disableLed);
      String type = server->arg("type");
      String data = server->arg("data");
      String ip = server->arg("ip");

      // Handle device state limitations
      if (server->hasArg("device")) {
        String device = server->arg("device");
        Serial.println("Device name detected " + device);
        int state = (server->hasArg("state")) ? server->arg("state").toInt() : 0;
        if (deviceState.containsKey(device)) {
          Serial.println("Contains the key!");
          int currentState = deviceState[device];
          if (state == currentState) {
            if (simple) {
              server->send(200, "text/html", "Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
            } else {
              sendHomePage("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state, "Warning", 2); // 200
            Serial.println("Not sending command to " + device + ", already in state " + state);
          } else {
            Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
            deviceState[device] = state;
        } else {
          Serial.println("Setting device " + device + " to state " + state);
          deviceState[device] = state;

      int len = server->arg("length").toInt();
      long address = 0;
      if (server->hasArg("address")) {
        String addressString = server->arg("address");
        address = strtoul(addressString.c_str(), 0, 0);

      int rdelay = (server->hasArg("rdelay")) ? server->arg("rdelay").toInt() : 1000;
      int pulse = (server->hasArg("pulse")) ? server->arg("pulse").toInt() : 1;
      int pdelay = (server->hasArg("pdelay")) ? server->arg("pdelay").toInt() : 100;
      int repeat = (server->hasArg("repeat")) ? server->arg("repeat").toInt() : 1;
      int out = (server->hasArg("out")) ? server->arg("out").toInt() : 1;
      if (server->hasArg("code")) {
        String code = server->arg("code");
        char separator = ':';
        data = getValue(code, separator, 0);
        type = getValue(code, separator, 1);
        len = getValue(code, separator, 2).toInt();

      if (simple) {
        server->send(200, "text/html", "Success, code sent");

      if (type == "roku") {
        rokuCommand(ip, data, repeat, rdelay);
      } else {
        irblast(type, data, len, rdelay, pulse, pdelay, repeat, address, pickIRsend(out));

      if (!simple) {
        sendHomePage("Code Sent", "Success", 1); // 200

  server->on("/received", []() {
    Serial.println("Connection received");
    int id = server->arg("id").toInt();
    String output;
    if (id == 1 && last_recv.valid) {
    } else if (id == 2 && last_recv_2.valid) {
    } else if (id == 3 && last_recv_3.valid) {
    } else if (id == 4 && last_recv_4.valid) {
    } else if (id == 5 && last_recv_5.valid) {
    } else {
      sendHomePage("Code does not exist", "Alert", 2, 404); // 404

  server->on("/", []() {
    Serial.println("Connection received");
    sendHomePage(); // 200

  Serial.println("HTTP Server started on port " + String(port));


  if (strlen(user_id) > 0) {
    userIDError = !validUID(user_id);
    if (!userIDError) {
      Serial.println("No errors detected with security configuration");

    // Validation check time
    time_t timenow = timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset;
    bool validEpoch = validEPOCH(timenow);
    if (validEpoch) {
      Serial.println("EPOCH time obtained for security checks");
    } else {
      Serial.println("Invalid EPOCH time, security checks may fail if unable to sync with NTP server");

  Serial.println("Ready to send and receive IR signals");

// Send command to local roku
int rokuCommand(String ip, String data, int repeat, int rdelay) {
  String url = "http://" + ip + ":8060/" + data;
  HTTPClient http;

  int output = 0;

  for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
    Serial.println("Sending roku command");

    copyCode(last_send_4, last_send_5);
    copyCode(last_send_3, last_send_4);
    copyCode(last_send_2, last_send_3);
    copyCode(last_send, last_send_2);

    strncpy(, data.c_str(), 40);
    last_send.bits = 1;
    strncpy(last_send.encoding, "roku", 14);
    strncpy(last_send.address, ip.c_str(), 20);
    last_send.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();
    last_send.valid = true;

    output = http.POST("");

    if (r + 1 < repeat) delay(rdelay);
  return output;

// Split string by character
String getValue(String data, char separator, int index)
  int found = 0;
  int strIndex[] = {0, -1};
  int maxIndex = data.length() - 1;

  for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex && found <= index; i++) {
    if (data.charAt(i) == separator || i == maxIndex) {
      strIndex[0] = strIndex[1] + 1;
      strIndex[1] = (i == maxIndex) ? i + 1 : i;

  return found > index ? data.substring(strIndex[0], strIndex[1]) : "";

// Return which IRsend object to act on
IRsend pickIRsend (int out) {
  switch (out) {
    case 1: return irsend1;
    case 2: return irsend2;
    case 3: return irsend3;
    case 4: return irsend4;
    default: return irsend1;

// Display encoding type
String encoding(decode_results *results) {
  String output;
  switch (results->decode_type) {
    case UNKNOWN:      output = "UNKNOWN";            break;
    case NEC:          output = "NEC";                break;
    case SONY:         output = "SONY";               break;
    case RC5:          output = "RC5";                break;
    case RC6:          output = "RC6";                break;
    case DISH:         output = "DISH";               break;
    case SHARP:        output = "SHARP";              break;
    case JVC:          output = "JVC";                break;
    case SANYO:        output = "SANYO";              break;
    case SANYO_LC7461: output = "SANYO_LC7461";       break;
    case MITSUBISHI:   output = "MITSUBISHI";         break;
    case SAMSUNG:      output = "SAMSUNG";            break;
    case LG:           output = "LG";                 break;
    case WHYNTER:      output = "WHYNTER";            break;
    case AIWA_RC_T501: output = "AIWA_RC_T501";       break;
    case PANASONIC:    output = "PANASONIC";          break;
    case DENON:        output = "DENON";              break;
    case COOLIX:       output = "COOLIX";             break;
    case GREE:         output = "GREE";               break;
  return output;

// Code to string
void fullCode (decode_results *results)
  Serial.print("One line: ");
  serialPrintUint64(results->value, 16);
  Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
  if (results->repeat) Serial.print(" (Repeat)");
  if (results->overflow)
    Serial.println("WARNING: IR code too long. "
                   "Edit IRController.ino and increase captureBufSize");

// Send header HTML
void sendHeader() {

void sendHeader(int httpcode) {
  server->send(httpcode, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "");
  server->sendContent("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN' ''>\n");
  server->sendContent("<html xmlns='' xml:lang='en'>\n");
  server->sendContent("  <head>\n");
  server->sendContent("    <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=.75' />\n");
  server->sendContent("    <link rel='stylesheet' href='' />\n");
  server->sendContent("    <style>@media (max-width: 991px) {.nav-pills>li {float: none; margin-left: 0; margin-top: 5px; text-align: center;}}</style>\n");
  server->sendContent("    <title>ESP8266 IR Controller (" + String(host_name) + ")</title>\n");
  server->sendContent("  </head>\n");
  server->sendContent("  <body>\n");
  server->sendContent("    <div class='container'>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <h1><a href=''>ESP8266 IR Controller</a></h1>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='nav nav-pills'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li class='active'>\n");
  server->sendContent("              <a href='http://" + String(host_name) + ".local" + ":" + String(port) + "'>Hostname <span class='badge'>" + String(host_name) + ".local" + ":" + String(port) + "</span></a></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li class='active'>\n");
  server->sendContent("              <a href='http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "'>Local <span class='badge'>" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "</span></a></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li class='active'>\n");
  server->sendContent("              <a href='http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "'>External <span class='badge'>" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "</span></a></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li class='active'>\n");
  server->sendContent("              <a>MAC <span class='badge'>" + String(WiFi.macAddress()) + "</span></a></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("          </ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("        </div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      </div><hr />\n");

// Send footer HTML
void sendFooter() {
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>" + String(millis()) + "ms uptime; EPOCH " + String(timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset) + "</em> / <em id='jepoch'></em> ( <em id='jdiff'></em> )</div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <script>document.getElementById('jepoch').innerHTML = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)</script>");
  server->sendContent("      <script>document.getElementById('jdiff').innerHTML = Math.abs(Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) - " + String(timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset) + ")</script>");
  if (strlen(user_id) != 0)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Device secured with SHA256 authentication. Only commands sent and verified with Amazon Alexa and the IR Controller Skill will be processed</em></div></div>");
  if (authError)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - last authentication failed because HMAC signatures did not match, see serial output for debugging details</em></div></div>");
  if (timeAuthError > 0)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - last authentication failed because your timestamps are out of sync, see serial output for debugging details. Timediff: " + String(timeAuthError) + "</em></div></div>");
  if (externalIPError)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - unable to retrieve external IP address, this may be due to bad network settings. There is currently a bug with the latest versions of ESP8266 for Arduino, please use version 2.4.0 along with lwIP v1.4 Prebuilt to resolve this</em></div></div>");
  time_t timenow = timeClient.getEpochTime() - timeOffset;
  if (!validEPOCH(timenow))
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - EPOCH time is inappropraitely low, likely connection to external time server has failed, check your network settings</em></div></div>");
  if (userIDError)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - your userID is in the wrong format and authentication will not work</em></div></div>");
  if (ntpError)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><em>Error - last attempt to connect to the NTP server failed, check NTP settings and networking settings</em></div></div>");
  server->sendContent("    </div>\n");
  server->sendContent("  </body>\n");

// Stream home page HTML
void sendHomePage() {
  sendHomePage("", "");

void sendHomePage(String message, String header) {
  sendHomePage(message, header, 0);

void sendHomePage(String message, String header, int type) {
  sendHomePage(message, header, type, 200);

void sendHomePage(String message, String header, int type, int httpcode) {
  if (type == 1)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><div class='alert alert-success'><strong>" + header + "!</strong> " + message + "</div></div></div>\n");
  if (type == 2)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><div class='alert alert-warning'><strong>" + header + "!</strong> " + message + "</div></div></div>\n");
  if (type == 3)
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'><div class='alert alert-danger'><strong>" + header + "!</strong> " + message + "</div></div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <h3>Codes Transmitted</h3>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <table class='table table-striped' style='table-layout: fixed;'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <thead><tr><th>Sent</th><th>Command</th><th>Type</th><th>Length</th><th>Address</th></tr></thead>\n"); //Title
  server->sendContent("            <tbody>\n");
  if (last_send.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_send_2.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send_2.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_2.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_2.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_2.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_send_3.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send_3.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_3.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_3.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_3.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_send_4.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send_4.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_4.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_4.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_4.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_send_5.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td>" + epochToString(last_send_5.timestamp) + "</td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_5.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_5.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_send_5.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (!last_send.valid && !last_send_2.valid && !last_send_3.valid && !last_send_4.valid && !last_send_5.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr><td colspan='5' class='text-center'><em>No codes sent</em></td></tr>");
  server->sendContent("            </tbody></table>\n");
  server->sendContent("          </div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <h3>Codes Received</h3>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <table class='table table-striped' style='table-layout: fixed;'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <thead><tr><th>Received</th><th>Command</th><th>Type</th><th>Length</th><th>Address</th></tr></thead>\n"); //Title
  server->sendContent("            <tbody>\n");
  if (last_recv.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=1'>" + epochToString(last_recv.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_recv_2.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=2'>" + epochToString(last_recv_2.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_2.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_2.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_2.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_recv_3.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=3'>" + epochToString(last_recv_3.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_3.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_3.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_3.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_recv_4.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=4'>" + epochToString(last_recv_4.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_4.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_4.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_4.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (last_recv_5.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr class='text-uppercase'><td><a href='/received?id=5'>" + epochToString(last_recv_5.timestamp) + "</a></td><td><code>" + String( + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_5.encoding) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_5.bits) + "</code></td><td><code>" + String(last_recv_5.address) + "</code></td></tr>\n");
  if (!last_recv.valid && !last_recv_2.valid && !last_recv_3.valid && !last_recv_4.valid && !last_recv_5.valid)
  server->sendContent("              <tr><td colspan='5' class='text-center'><em>No codes received</em></td></tr>");
  server->sendContent("            </tbody></table>\n");
  server->sendContent("          </div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pinr1) + "</span> Receiving </li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pins1) + "</span> Transmitter 1 </li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pins2) + "</span> Transmitter 2 </li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pins3) + "</span> Transmitter 3 </li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><span class='badge'>GPIO " + String(pins4) + "</span> Transmitter 4 </li></ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("        </div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      </div>\n");

// Stream code page HTML
void sendCodePage(Code selCode) {
  sendCodePage(selCode, 200);

void sendCodePage(Code selCode, int httpcode){
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <h2><span class='label label-success'>" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "</span></h2><br/>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Data</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Type</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(selCode.encoding)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Length</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(selCode.bits)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Address</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(selCode.address)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Raw</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + String(selCode.raw)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <dl class='dl-horizontal'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dt>Timestamp</dt>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <dd><code>" + epochToString(selCode.timestamp)  + "</code></dd></dl>\n");
  server->sendContent("        </div></div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <div class='alert alert-warning'>Don't forget to add your passcode to the URLs below if you set one</div>\n");
  server->sendContent("      </div></div>\n");
  if (String(selCode.encoding) == "UNKNOWN") {
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':[" + String(selCode.raw) + "],'type':'raw','khz':38}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':[" + String(selCode.raw) + "],'type':'raw','khz':38}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':[" + String(selCode.raw) + "],'type':'raw','khz':38}]</pre></li></ul>\n");
  } else if (String(selCode.encoding) == "PANASONIC") {
  //} else if (strtoul(selCode.address, 0, 0) > 0) {
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "&address=" + String(selCode.address) + "</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "&address=" + String(selCode.address) + "</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "&address=" + String(selCode.address) + "</pre></li></ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + ",'address':'" + String(selCode.address) + "'}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + ",'address':'" + String(selCode.address) + "'}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + ",'address':'" + String(selCode.address) + "'}]</pre></li></ul>\n");
  } else {
  server->sendContent("      <div class='row'>\n");
  server->sendContent("        <div class='col-md-12'>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + String( + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>MSG</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/msg?code=" + + ":" + String(selCode.encoding) + ":" + String(selCode.bits) + "</pre></li></ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("          <ul class='list-unstyled'>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Hostname <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + String(host_name) + ".local:" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + "}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>Local IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + "}]</pre></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li>External IP <span class='label label-default'>JSON</span></li>\n");
  server->sendContent("            <li><pre>http://" + externalIP() + ":" + String(port) + "/json?plain=[{'data':'" + String( + "','type':'" + String(selCode.encoding) + "','length':" + String(selCode.bits) + "}]</pre></li></ul>\n");
  server->sendContent("        </div>\n");
  server->sendContent("     </div>\n");

// Code to JsonObject
void cvrtCode(Code& codeData, decode_results *results) {
  strncpy(, uint64ToString(results->value, 16).c_str(), 40);
  strncpy(codeData.encoding, encoding(results).c_str(), 14);
  codeData.bits = results->bits;
  String r = "";
      for (uint16_t i = 1; i < results->rawlen; i++) {
      r += results->rawbuf[i] * RAWTICK;
      if (i < results->rawlen - 1)
        r += ",";                           // ',' not needed on last one
      //if (!(i & 1)) r += " ";
  codeData.raw = r;
  if (results->decode_type != UNKNOWN) {
    strncpy(codeData.address, ("0x" + String(results->address, HEX)).c_str(), 20);
    strncpy(codeData.command, ("0x" + String(results->command, HEX)).c_str(), 40);
  } else {
    strncpy(codeData.address, "0x0", 20);
    strncpy(codeData.command, "0x0", 40);

// Dump out the decode_results structure.
void dumpInfo(decode_results *results) {
  if (results->overflow)
    Serial.println("WARNING: IR code too long. "
                   "Edit IRrecv.h and increase RAWBUF");

  // Show Encoding standard
  Serial.print("Encoding  : ");

  // Show Code & length
  Serial.print("Code      : ");
  serialPrintUint64(results->value, 16);
  Serial.print(" (");
  Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
  Serial.println(" bits)");

// Dump out the decode_results structure.
void dumpRaw(decode_results *results) {
  // Print Raw data
  Serial.print(results->rawlen - 1, DEC);
  Serial.println("]: ");

  for (uint16_t i = 1;  i < results->rawlen;  i++) {
    if (i % 100 == 0)
      yield();  // Preemptive yield every 100th entry to feed the WDT.
    uint32_t x = results->rawbuf[i] * RAWTICK;
    if (!(i & 1)) {  // even
      if (x < 1000) Serial.print(" ");
      if (x < 100) Serial.print(" ");
      Serial.print(x, DEC);
    } else {  // odd
      Serial.print("     ");
      if (x < 1000) Serial.print(" ");
      if (x < 100) Serial.print(" ");
      Serial.print(x, DEC);
      if (i < results->rawlen - 1)
        Serial.print(", ");  // ',' not needed for last one
    if (!(i % 8)) Serial.println("");
  Serial.println("");  // Newline

// Dump out the decode_results structure.
void dumpCode(decode_results *results) {
  // Start declaration
  Serial.print("uint16_t  ");              // variable type
  Serial.print("rawData[");                // array name
  Serial.print(results->rawlen - 1, DEC);  // array size
  Serial.print("] = {");                   // Start declaration

  // Dump data
  for (uint16_t i = 1; i < results->rawlen; i++) {
    Serial.print(results->rawbuf[i] * RAWTICK, DEC);
    if (i < results->rawlen - 1)
      Serial.print(",");  // ',' not needed on last one
    if (!(i & 1)) Serial.print(" ");

  // End declaration
  Serial.print("};");  //

  // Comment
  Serial.print("  // ");
  Serial.print(" ");
  serialPrintUint64(results->value, 16);

  // Newline

  // Now dump "known" codes
  if (results->decode_type != UNKNOWN) {
    // Some protocols have an address &/or command.
    // NOTE: It will ignore the atypical case when a message has been decoded
    // but the address & the command are both 0.
    if (results->address > 0 || results->command > 0) {
      Serial.print("uint32_t  address = 0x");
      Serial.print(results->address, HEX);
      Serial.print("uint32_t  command = 0x");
      Serial.print(results->command, HEX);

    // All protocols have data
    Serial.print("uint64_t  data = 0x");
    serialPrintUint64(results->value, 16);

// Binary value to hex
String bin2hex(const uint8_t* bin, const int length) {
  String hex = "";

  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    if (bin[i] < 16) {
      hex += "0";
    hex += String(bin[i], HEX);

  return hex;

// Send IR codes to variety of sources
void irblast(String type, String dataStr, unsigned int len, int rdelay, int pulse, int pdelay, int repeat, long address, IRsend irsend) {
  Serial.println("Blasting off");
  uint64_t data = strtoull(("0x" + dataStr).c_str(), 0, 0);
  holdReceive = true;
  Serial.println("Blocking incoming IR signals");
  // Repeat Loop
  for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
    // Pulse Loop
    for (int p = 0; p < pulse; p++) {
      serialPrintUint64(data, HEX);
      if (type == "nec") {
        irsend.sendNEC(data, len);
      } else if (type == "sony") {
        irsend.sendSony(data, len);
      } else if (type == "coolix") {
        irsend.sendCOOLIX(data, len);
      } else if (type == "whynter") {
        irsend.sendWhynter(data, len);
      } else if (type == "panasonic") {
        Serial.print("Address: ");
        irsend.sendPanasonic(address, data);
      } else if (type == "jvc") {
        irsend.sendJVC(data, len, 0);
      } else if (type == "samsung") {
        irsend.sendSAMSUNG(data, len);
      } else if (type == "sharpraw") {
        irsend.sendSharpRaw(data, len);
      } else if (type == "dish") {
        irsend.sendDISH(data, len);
      } else if (type == "rc5") {
        irsend.sendRC5(data, len);
      } else if (type == "rc6") {
        irsend.sendRC6(data, len);
      } else if (type == "denon") {
        irsend.sendDenon(data, len);
      } else if (type == "lg") {
        irsend.sendLG(data, len);
      } else if (type == "sharp") {
        irsend.sendSharpRaw(data, len);
      } else if (type == "rcmm") {
        irsend.sendRCMM(data, len);
      } else if (type == "gree") {
        irsend.sendGree(data, len);
      } else if (type == "roomba") {
        roomba_send(atoi(dataStr.c_str()), pulse, pdelay, irsend);
      if (p + 1 < pulse) delay(pdelay);
    if (r + 1 < repeat) delay(rdelay);

  Serial.println("Transmission complete");

  copyCode(last_send_4, last_send_5);
  copyCode(last_send_3, last_send_4);
  copyCode(last_send_2, last_send_3);
  copyCode(last_send, last_send_2);

  strncpy(, dataStr.c_str(), 40);
  last_send.bits = len;
  strncpy(last_send.encoding, type.c_str(), 14);
  strncpy(last_send.address, ("0x" + String(address, HEX)).c_str(), 20);
  last_send.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();
  last_send.valid = true;


void pronto(JsonArray &pronto, int rdelay, int pulse, int pdelay, int repeat, IRsend irsend) {
  Serial.println("Pronto transmit");
  holdReceive = true;
  Serial.println("Blocking incoming IR signals");
  int psize = pronto.size();
  // Repeat Loop
  for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
    // Pulse Loop
    for (int p = 0; p < pulse; p++) {
      Serial.println("Sending pronto code");
      uint16_t output[psize];
      // uint16_t pronto_test[18] = {0x0000, 0x0069, 0x0007, 0x0000, 0x032a, 0x010e, 0x005a, 0x010e, 0x005a, 0x005a, 0x0168, 0x005a, 0x005a, 0x010e, 0x005a, 0x00b4, 0x005a, 0x01c2};
      for (int d = 0; d < psize; d++) {
        String phexp = pronto[d];
        // Serial.print(phexp);
        // Serial.print(" --> ");
        output[d] = strtoul(phexp.c_str(), 0, 0);
        // Serial.print(output[d], HEX);
        // Serial.print(" // ");
        // if (d < 18) {
        //   Serial.println(pronto_test[d], HEX);
        // } else {
        //   Serial.println("?");
        // }
      irsend.sendPronto(output, psize);
      if (p + 1 < pulse) delay(pdelay);
    if (r + 1 < repeat) delay(rdelay);
  Serial.println("Transmission complete");

  copyCode(last_send_4, last_send_5);
  copyCode(last_send_3, last_send_4);
  copyCode(last_send_2, last_send_3);
  copyCode(last_send, last_send_2);

  strncpy(, "", 40);
  last_send.bits = psize;
  strncpy(last_send.encoding, "PRONTO", 14);
  strncpy(last_send.address, "0x0", 20);
  last_send.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();
  last_send.valid = true;


void rawblast(JsonArray &raw, int khz, int rdelay, int pulse, int pdelay, int repeat, IRsend irsend,int duty) {
  Serial.println("Raw transmit");
  holdReceive = true;
  Serial.println("Blocking incoming IR signals");
  // Repeat Loop
  for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
    // Pulse Loop
    for (int p = 0; p < pulse; p++) {
      Serial.println("Sending code");
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < raw.size(); i++) {
        int val = raw[i];
        if (i & 1), val));
        else       irsend.mark(val);
      if (p + 1 < pulse) delay(pdelay);
    if (r + 1 < repeat) delay(rdelay);

  Serial.println("Transmission complete");

  copyCode(last_send_4, last_send_5);
  copyCode(last_send_3, last_send_4);
  copyCode(last_send_2, last_send_3);
  copyCode(last_send, last_send_2);

  strncpy(, "", 40);
  last_send.bits = raw.size();
  strncpy(last_send.encoding, "RAW", 14);
  strncpy(last_send.address, "0x0", 20);
  last_send.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();
  last_send.valid = true;


void roomba_send(int code, int pulse, int pdelay, IRsend irsend)
  Serial.print("Sending Roomba code ");
  holdReceive = true;
  Serial.println("Blocking incoming IR signals");

  int length = 8;
  uint16_t raw[length * 2];
  unsigned int one_pulse = 3000;
  unsigned int one_break = 1000;
  unsigned int zero_pulse = one_break;
  unsigned int zero_break = one_pulse;
  uint16_t len = 15;
  uint16_t hz = 38;

  int arrayposition = 0;
  for (int counter = length - 1; counter >= 0; --counter) {
    if (code & (1 << counter)) {
      raw[arrayposition] = one_pulse;
      raw[arrayposition + 1] = one_break;
    else {
      raw[arrayposition] = zero_pulse;
      raw[arrayposition + 1] = zero_break;
    arrayposition = arrayposition + 2;
  for (int i = 0; i < pulse; i++) {
    irsend.sendRaw(raw, len, hz);


void copyCode (Code& c1, Code& c2) {
  strncpy(,, 40);
  strncpy(c2.encoding, c1.encoding, 14);
  //strncpy(c2.timestamp, c1.timestamp, 40);
  strncpy(c2.address, c1.address, 20);
  strncpy(c2.command, c1.command, 40);
  c2.bits = c1.bits;
  c2.raw = c1.raw;
  c2.timestamp = c1.timestamp;
  c2.valid = c1.valid;

void loop() {
  decode_results  results;                                        // Somewhere to store the results

  if (irrecv.decode(&results) && !holdReceive) {                  // Grab an IR code
    Serial.println("Signal received:");
    fullCode(&results);                                           // Print the singleline value
    dumpCode(&results);                                           // Output the results as source code
    copyCode(last_recv_4, last_recv_5);                           // Pass
    copyCode(last_recv_3, last_recv_4);                           // Pass
    copyCode(last_recv_2, last_recv_3);                           // Pass
    copyCode(last_recv, last_recv_2);                             // Pass
    cvrtCode(last_recv, &results);                                // Store the results
    last_recv.timestamp = timeClient.getEpochTime();               // Set the new update time
    last_recv.valid = true;
    Serial.println("");                                           // Blank line between entries
    irrecv.resume();                                              // Prepare for the next value
    digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);                                    // Turn on the LED for 0.5 seconds
    ticker.attach(0.5, disableLed);
mdhiggins commented 5 years ago

Good news is I found a pronto code for my TV and the latest version with the 0x prefix is working on my TV so I can confirm that at least from a programming standpoint the pronto codes are working

jxwolstenholme commented 5 years ago

Never ended up testing the pronto support unfortunately but did get help from the guys at IRremoteESP8266 in decoding the Lutron protocol.

They pushed out support in v2.5 which I have then submitted a request to add to your repository