mdhiggins / ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster

ESP8266 Compatible IR Blaster that accepts HTTP commands for use with services like Amazon Echo
MIT License
968 stars 217 forks source link

external IP address and port forwarding #305

Closed newbee90 closed 3 years ago

newbee90 commented 3 years ago

You write, "you need to use the external IP address and have your port forwarded" my external IP adresse changes every night automatically by my router, so it won't work this way can you give me a examble line for "Power On" in i have port forwarded bl3 and please do not close this issue so fast

mdhiggins commented 3 years ago

Do not create another issue, I will continue support on the original issue

newbee90 commented 3 years ago

dns service is installed bl5

21:10:47.824 -> Turning off the LED to save power. 21:25:36.482 -> Connection received 21:27:03.222 -> Transmit NTP Request 21:27:03.222 -> 21:27:03.268 -> Receive NTP Response 21:29:43.137 -> Connection received 21:29:59.720 -> Connection received 21:32:37.001 -> Transmit NTP Request 21:32:37.047 -> 21:32:37.047 -> Receive NTP Response 21:33:03.862 -> Connection received 21:34:56.470 -> Connection received 21:35:57.624 -> Connection received - MSG 21:35:57.624 -> Failed security check, signature is too old 21:35:57.624 -> Server: 0 21:35:57.624 -> Local: 1609619754 21:35:57.624 -> MID: 21:36:43.412 -> Connection received - MSG 21:36:43.412 -> Failed security check, signature is too old 21:36:43.412 -> Server: 0 21:36:43.412 -> Local: 1609619800 21:36:43.412 -> MID:

mdhiggins commented 3 years ago Redirect here