mdhiggins / ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster

ESP8266 Compatible IR Blaster that accepts HTTP commands for use with services like Amazon Echo
MIT License
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Reversed IR Blast sent to Home Assistant #324

Closed Ian-Zz closed 3 years ago

Ian-Zz commented 3 years ago

This isn't an issue. Is there any way possible I could have this AWESOME ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster code send a received IR blast from a remote control to my instance of Home Assistant? I would love to be able to set up an IR remote to do Hassio buttons, scripts and switches etc.

Btw... I do have another Node-Mcu running ESP-Home doing just this thing... But it's in the garage. Would like it for living room now too. Just wondering. Thanks

mdhiggins commented 3 years ago

You could just add whatever code you need to talk to Home Assistant in the receiver functionality of the blueprint, but I don't personally use home assistant or have any idea what would need to be sent or for what purpose but the handling of received codes is in the main loop

void loop() {
  decode_results  results;                                        // Somewhere to store the results

  if (irrecv.decode(&results) && !holdReceive) {                  // Grab an IR code
    Serial.println("Signal received:");
    fullCode(&results);                                           // Print the singleline value
    dumpCode(&results);                                           // Output the results as source code
    copyCode(last_recv_4, last_recv_5);                           // Pass
    copyCode(last_recv_3, last_recv_4);                           // Pass
    copyCode(last_recv_2, last_recv_3);                           // Pass
    copyCode(last_recv, last_recv_2);                             // Pass
    cvrtCode(last_recv, &results);                                // Store the results
    last_recv.timestamp = now();                                  // Set the new update time
    last_recv.valid = true;
    Serial.println("");                                           // Blank line between entries
    irrecv.resume();                                              // Prepare for the next value
    digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);                                    // Turn on the LED for 0.5 seconds
    ticker.attach(0.5, disableLed);

Just add whatever logic you need inside the if statement

Ian-Zz commented 3 years ago

Thanks a bunch for the quick response mdhiggins. I just learned today of the mqtt edition/pull of this code. Trying it that way for now. Just need to get the topics tidy some. Thanks again. Very Much.

mdhiggins commented 3 years ago

So you know aside from the old pull request there's also a much more up to date MQTT branch