mdhiggins / ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster

ESP8266 Compatible IR Blaster that accepts HTTP commands for use with services like Amazon Echo
MIT License
968 stars 217 forks source link

Unable to sent requests by alexa #327

Closed bm-a closed 2 years ago

bm-a commented 2 years ago

Hello i am able to successfully open the web portal and also receive and send IR requests locally but not over alexa i have used ip and the port as 80 and also configured port forwarding please take a look at it below.

Also i am not able to see the esp in dhcp client list in the router settings.

Could you assist me and help me to find out the issue.

Screenshot (2787)

bm-a commented 2 years ago

21:05:13.325 -> ESP8266 IR Controller 21:05:13.325 -> Config pin GPIO10 set to: 1 21:05:13.325 -> mounted file system 21:05:13.325 -> parsed json 21:05:13.325 -> wm:[2] Added Parameter: hostname 21:05:13.325 -> wm:[2] Added Parameter: passcode 21:05:13.325 -> wm:[2] Added Parameter: port_str 21:05:13.372 -> wm:[2] Added Parameter: user_id 21:05:13.372 -> Setting static WiFi data from config 21:05:13.372 -> wm:[1] AutoConnect 21:05:13.372 -> wm:[1] No Credentials are Saved, skipping connect 21:05:13.372 -> wm:[2] Starting Config Portal 21:05:13.372 -> wm:[2] Disabling STA 21:05:13.372 -> wm:[2] Enabling AP 21:05:13.372 -> wm:[1] StartAP with SSID: IR Controller Configuration 21:05:13.888 -> wm:[2] AP has anonymous access! 21:05:14.358 -> wm:[1] AP IP address: 21:05:14.358 -> Entered config mode 21:05:14.358 -> 21:05:14.358 -> IR Controller Configuration 21:05:14.358 -> wm:[1] Starting Web Portal 21:05:14.358 -> wm:[2] HTTP server started 21:05:14.358 -> wm:[2] Config Portal Running, blocking, waiting for clients... 21:05:14.405 -> wm:[2] Portal Timeout In 180 seconds 21:05:25.278 -> wm:[2] <- Request redirected to captive portal 21:05:26.029 -> wm:[2] <- HTTP Root 21:05:26.076 -> wm:[2] <- Request redirected to captive portal 21:05:26.123 -> wm:[2] <- Request redirected to captive portal 21:05:26.969 -> wm:[2] <- HTTP Wifi 21:05:26.969 -> wm:[2] WiFi Scan SYNC started 21:05:29.132 -> wm:[2] WiFi Scan completed in 2188 ms 21:05:29.132 -> wm:[1] 2 networks found 21:05:29.132 -> wm:[2] AP: -65 HOME WIFI 21:05:29.132 -> wm:[2] 21:05:29.508 -> wm:[2] <- Request redirected to captive portal 21:05:29.650 -> wm:[2] <- Request redirected to captive portal 21:05:31.434 -> wm:[2] <- Request redirected to captive portal 21:05:43.263 -> wm:[2] Portal Timeout In 163 seconds 21:06:13.239 -> wm:[2] Portal Timeout In 133 seconds 21:06:43.262 -> wm:[2] Portal Timeout In 103 seconds 21:07:13.247 -> wm:[2] Portal Timeout In 73 seconds 21:07:43.248 -> wm:[2] Portal Timeout In 43 seconds 21:07:55.184 -> wm:[2] <- HTTP WiFi save
21:07:55.184 ->
wm:[2] Parameters 21:07:55.184 -> wm:[2] -------------------- 21:07:55.184 -> wm:[2] hostname: IR BLASTER 21:07:55.231 -> wm:[2] passcode: pass 21:07:55.231 -> wm:[2] port_str: 80 21:07:55.231 -> wm:[2] user_id: amzn1.account.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 21:07:55.231 -> wm:[2] -------------------- 21:07:55.231 -> wm:[2] processing save 21:07:57.207 -> wm:[2] Connecting as wifi client... 21:07:57.254 -> wm:[2] Custom static IP/GW/Subnet/DNS 21:07:57.254 -> wm:[2] Custom static DNS 21:07:57.254 -> wm:[1] STA IP set: 21:07:57.254 -> wm:[1] Connecting to NEW AP: HOME WIFI 21:07:57.348 -> wm:[1] connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult... 21:08:02.519 -> wm:[2] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED 21:08:02.519 -> wm:[1] Connect to new AP [SUCCESS] 21:08:02.519 -> wm:[1] Got IP Address: 21:08:02.519 -> wm:[1] 21:08:02.519 -> Should save config 21:08:02.519 -> wm:[2] shutdownConfigPortal 21:08:02.519 -> wm:[2] restoring usermode STA 21:08:03.553 -> wm:[2] wifi status: WL_CONNECTED 21:08:03.553 -> wm:[2] wifi mode: STA 21:08:03.553 -> wm:[2] configportal closed 21:08:03.553 -> *wm:[1] config portal exiting 21:08:03.553 -> WiFi connected! User chose hostname 'IR BLASTER' passcode 'pass' and port '80' 21:08:03.553 -> config... 21:08:03.553 -> {"hostname":"IR BLASTER","passcode":"pass","port_str":"80","user_id":"amzn1.account.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","ip":"","gw":"","sn":"","dns":""} 21:08:03.553 -> Writing config file 21:08:03.646 -> Config written successfully 21:08:03.646 -> WiFi configuration complete 21:08:03.646 -> Local IP: 21:08:03.646 -> DNS IP: 21:08:03.646 -> URL to send commands: http://IR BLASTER.local:80 21:08:03.646 -> ArduinoOTA started 21:08:03.646 -> MDNS http service added. Hostname is set to IR BLASTER.local:667 21:08:03.646 -> HTTP Server started on port 80 21:08:03.646 -> Starting UDP 21:08:03.646 -> Local port: 8888 21:08:03.646 -> Waiting for sync 21:08:03.646 -> Transmit NTP Request 21:08:04.399 -> 21:08:04.587 -> Receive NTP Response 21:08:05.622 -> External IP: 1xx.1xx.xx.xx 21:08:05.622 -> External IP address request took 1047 ms 21:08:05.622 -> No errors detected with security configuration 21:08:05.622 -> EPOCH time obtained for security checks 21:08:05.622 -> Ready to send and receive IR signals 21:08:05.622 -> Turning off the LED to save power.

MY DEFAULT gateway is and Subnet mask is 255:255.255.0

mdhiggins commented 2 years ago

Are you telling Alexa to use your external IP address? You can't use for Alexa as that's your local IP. You need to use your external IP

bm-a commented 2 years ago

yes i am using http://xxx.1xx.xx.xx:80/json?plain=[{data:[7734,10940,14,9000,10854,16,8932,11038,14,8942,11034,12,9032,10996,14,16,9108,10880,16,9108,10834,14,9124,10856,12,9118,10870,14,12,9078,10932,9082,10916,9122],type:'raw',khz:38}] external ip like this above.(this is just a raw random data)

bm-a commented 2 years ago

can i try and send web requests (for testing purpose) without password if i delete password in wifi manager settings and also remove my amazon id from there.

mdhiggins commented 2 years ago

Yes that should work fine. That URL should return an access denied message too if you try and access it over a browser without credentials

mdhiggins commented 2 years ago

I would also check and make sure your IP address isn't behind a double NAT which can cause lots of trouble.

Check and see what your routers external IP versus what's reported on a website like

bm-a commented 2 years ago

How can i find if i am behind nat or how can i check my routers ip

I would also check and make sure your IP address isn't behind a double NAT which can cause lots of trouble.

Check and see what your routers external IP versus what's reported on a website like

How can i find if i am behind nat or how can i check my routers ip

bm-a commented 2 years ago

Yes i think i am on nat as my routers ip is in ipconfig in cmd where as my external ip is different

mdhiggins commented 2 years ago

Yeah that would suggest you're behind a double NAT which means you cannot forward ports from your external IP address unfortunately, your options here are to see if that can be changed by your ISP (some ISPs will give you a direct external IP upon request, although sometimes that costs extra). Other option would be to look into setting up your own MQTT server and using the MQTT-dev branch of the script which does not require port forwarding but needs an MQTT server as an intermediate

bm-a commented 2 years ago

I checked with my ISP it costs extra per month can I use an esp8266 as an intermediate server?

mdhiggins commented 2 years ago

You'll need some kind of server outside of your local network as an intermediate which is where the MQTT server comes into play, there are probably some free options out there that you could try though I'm less experienced in this area so you'll need to look into it more

bm-a commented 2 years ago

Thank you