mdhiggins / ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster

ESP8266 Compatible IR Blaster that accepts HTTP commands for use with services like Amazon Echo
MIT License
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Issues transmitting on NodeMCU Mini and Server Issues on NodeMCU V3 #334

Open jayceekeys opened 2 years ago

jayceekeys commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I initially tried to configure the NodeMCU mini for use with the IR blaster, however despite getting the board to receive signals, I couldn't get them to transmit out. The components were all as per the original design with identical resistor values. I even tried lowering the TX resistor value and bringing the LED it to within inches of the device being transmitted but with no luck.

Does anyone have any tips on getting the Mini board to work with this? Perhaps different pins etc.

After not managing to get the Mini working, I grabbed a full size V3 board hoping that it might make things easier. I found that the board would now default to an IP outside of the router e.g. if I left the network details blank as I had before with the Mini board.

I therefore tried adding e.g. and in the AP webpage instead. Doing this resulted in the board accepting the IP assignment and config and showing as OK in the serial monitor. However, the board simply won't connect to my router.

I read that the ESP8266 board manager only worked up until 2.4.0 ? and as I was using the latest 3.0.1 I rolled back to 2.4.0 as suggested.

The issue I now have is that as soon as I rolled back to 2.4.0 it will no longer compile as it stops comiling with the error:

"LittleFS.h: No such file or directory "

As soon as I update the board back to 3.0.1 it compiles again.

Turning on DHCP seems to resolve the issue of the board being assigned an address outside of the router range, however even adding a visible wavelength LED onto the D2 pin doesn't produce a flash even when transmitting.

I am literally loosing my hair over getting this running and would be eternally grateful for any help.

Best wishes,

Jay :)

mdhiggins commented 2 years ago

The requirement for 2.4.0 is no longer active and you do not need to roll back to this version as long as your other dependencies are up to date.

If you're struggling understanding dependencies I would encourage you to just use PlatformIO to handle installing the blueprint as that will handle ensuring all versions of all dependencies are up to date and appropriate

PlatformIO also has options to specify which board you're compiling for which will automatically adjust pins for certain nonstandard boards

The default IP is which is a common local subnet used on home networks similar to but you need to configure your network to match whatever subnet you use at home.

What subnet does your router/local network use? The fact that DHCP works just means your manual networking configuration was probably incorrect and inconsistent with the rest of your local network; devices need to be on the same local subnet to be accessible to each other

What command are you sending? Post the full URL

What http and serial output do you get when you send the command?