mdhiggins / PlexAutoSkip

Automatically skip content in Plex
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Error with latest plex update #41

Closed RaaZeR2169 closed 1 year ago

RaaZeR2169 commented 1 year ago

Getting the following error when it wants to skip: INFO - Found new session 544 [542655] (Mayor of Kingstown s02e09 - Peace in the Valley) Apple TV|1FD5D7B4-5372-41DD-AA52-D052E776D891 viewOffset 301583 Raazer, sessions: 0 INFO - Found skippable marker intro for media 544 [542655] (Mayor of Kingstown s02e09 - Peace in the Valley) Apple TV|1FD5D7B4-5372-41DD-AA52-D052E776D891 with range 299120-360110 and viewOffset 301584 INFO - Seeking Plex for Apple TV player playing 544 [542655] (Mayor of Kingstown s02e09 - Peace in the Valley) Apple TV|1FD5D7B4-5372-41DD-AA52-D052E776D891 from 301585 to 360110 ERROR - Exception, removing from cache to prevent false triggers, will be restored with next sync Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\copy\plexautoskip-master\resources\", line 213, in _seekTo self.seekPlayerTo(mediaWrapper.player, mediaWrapper, targetOffset) File "E:\copy\plexautoskip-master\resources\", line 239, in seekPlayerTo mediaWrapper.seekTo(targetOffset, player) File "E:\copy\plexautoskip-master\resources\", line 319, in seekTo player.seekTo(offset) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python39-32\lib\site-packages\plexapi\", line 377, in seekTo self.sendCommand('playback/seekTo', offset=offset, type=mtype) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python39-32\lib\site-packages\plexapi\", line 232, in sendCommand return query(key, headers=headers) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python39-32\lib\site-packages\plexapi\", line 753, in query raise NotFound(message) plexapi.exceptions.NotFound: (404) not_found; Not Found

404 Not Found

mdhiggins commented 1 year ago

I don't think you're on the latest version, the error lines don't match up and the logging is missing some recent changes from about 3-4 weeks ago. There's been updates that addresses the 404 error

You'll also get the 404 error if you don't have the remote control feature enabled on your Apple TV if it persists after updating

But I can say for sure you're missing this commit

Since your marker logging doesn't show that change, and all the changes for the 404 fix came after that

mdhiggins commented 1 year ago

Probably the same as this issue which is fixed with latest update