Hello, my conversions in radarr will not finish. Right when it finishes it throws an error and does not create the mp4. I cant see any real useful information in the log file even with debug on. I know this is a ffmpeg error but hoping you might have some insight. I even tried using the same ini from sonarr which works fine. They both use the same directories and are both updated and both use the same docker config.
Hello, my conversions in radarr will not finish. Right when it finishes it throws an error and does not create the mp4. I cant see any real useful information in the log file even with debug on. I know this is a ffmpeg error but hoping you might have some insight. I even tried using the same ini from sonarr which works fine. They both use the same directories and are both updated and both use the same docker config.
LOG: https://pastebin.com/raw/vPaf1JW0 CONFIG: https://pastebin.com/raw/hRr5e32Y