mdhiggins / sickbeard_mp4_automator

Automatically convert video files to a standardized format with metadata tagging to create a beautiful and uniform media library
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Convert only french audio track if not in codec list #1708

Closed screamjojo closed 6 months ago

screamjojo commented 6 months ago


Is there a way to only convert if a french audio track is not in codec list form the autoprocess.ini ? I don't want a conversion for the others language audio tracks.

IE : image


I've try custom function and canBypassConvert without success.

Thank you for helping.

mdhiggins commented 6 months ago

Not an option using the base configuration, would need to be a custom function

Feel free to post your custom function that's not working and I'll take a look. canBypassConvert is probably the one you want

screamjojo commented 6 months ago

If I had DTS in autoprocess.ini I've trying this custom "blockaudiocopy" :

def blockAudioCopy(mp, stream, path, info):
    # Custom function that skips HDR files that are missing proper HDR metadata / framedata"Initiating custom audio copy check method.")
    fra_audio_streams = [a for a in if a.metadata.get('language', '') == 'fra' and (a.metadata.get('codec', '') != 'ac3' or a.metadata.get('codec', '') != 'aac' or a.metadata.get('codec', '') != 'eac3')]
    if stream in fra_audio_streams:"found a fra language with not ac3 or aac or eac3 codec, conversion needed")
        return True
    return False
mdhiggins commented 6 months ago

I was more looking for your canBypassConvert attempt since that's what you're trying to do now, no?

mdhiggins commented 6 months ago

Sorry, I misremembered the name of the custom function, you would want to intervene on the validation function, not canBypassConvert as this is an internal function you shouldn't be modifying unless you're looking to fork the code

def validation(mp, info, path, tagdata):
    # Custom function that skips files that don't have french audio"Initiating custom validation method.")
    fra_audio_streams = [a for a in if a.metadata.get('language', '') == 'fra']
    return len(fra_audio_streams) > 0
screamjojo commented 6 months ago

Sorry, I misremembered the name of the custom function, you would want to intervene on the validation function, not canBypassConvert as this is an internal function you shouldn't be modifying unless you're looking to fork the code

def validation(mp, info, path, tagdata):
    # Custom function that skips files that don't have french audio"Initiating custom validation method.")
    fra_audio_streams = [a for a in if a.metadata.get('language', '') == 'fra']
    return len(fra_audio_streams) > 0

Thank you but it's not what I want. I would like to don't convert the others audio tracks if not fra, but the file may be converted ...

mdhiggins commented 6 months ago

Got it, that wasn't clear at all

Might be able to do this by getting creative about manipulating the codec settings on the fly for each stream

If you want to always remux nonfrench streams you could force the codec pool to be 'copy' in those instances and then apply a more standard codec pool for the french streams

def blockAudioCopy(mp, stream, path):
    # Custom function that modifies codec pool depending on language"Initiating custom audio copy check method.")
    if stream.metadata.get('language') == 'fra':
        mp.settings.acodec = ['ac3', 'eac3', 'aac']  # maintain default behavior
        mp.settings.acodec = ['copy']  # force copy
    return False

Otherwise if that's still not the desired effect you need to be much more explicit about what you're trying to do

Of note, you're essentially bypassing your audio codec settings here and manually setting them, so in the future if you decide you change what codecs you want you'll need to update this function too

screamjojo commented 6 months ago

Got it, that wasn't clear at all

Might be able to do this by getting creative about manipulating the codec settings on the fly for each stream

If you want to always remux nonfrench streams you could force the codec pool to be 'copy' in those instances and then apply a more standard codec pool for the french streams

def blockAudioCopy(mp, stream, path):
    # Custom function that modifies codec pool depending on language"Initiating custom audio copy check method.")
    if stream.metadata.get('language') == 'fra':
        mp.settings.acodec = ['ac3', 'eac3', 'aac']  # maintain default behavior
        mp.settings.acodec = ['copy']  # force copy
    return False

Otherwise if that's still not the desired effect you need to be much more explicit about what you're trying to do

Of note, you're essentially bypassing your audio codec settings here and manually setting them, so in the future if you decide you change what codecs you want you'll need to update this function too

Worked like a charm ! Thank you so much :)