mdickinson / refcycle

Support for displaying and analyzing reference graphs of Python objects.
Apache License 2.0
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Improve error message when `dot` is not available. #43

Open mdickinson opened 10 years ago

mdickinson commented 10 years ago

For example,

(Pdb) sources[0].export_image()
*** WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

is not terribly helpful.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I'm having this error. When does it happen? Some missing dependency? Something to do with the site where the file should be written? Or some incompatibility with windows?

mdickinson commented 9 years ago

@federicoressifei: refcycle expects the dot program from Graphviz to be in the path. So if dot works from your command line, refcycle should be happy. If not, you may need to install Graphviz.

mdickinson commented 9 years ago

Note that if you have Graphviz installed and the dot executable is not in your path, the export_image method has a keyword argument that allows you to specify where the executable is. See the docs for more.