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RsaHashedKeyGenParams.hash property type #21908

Open guillaume-fr opened 1 year ago

guillaume-fr commented 1 year ago


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Doc says hash property is a string. Testing it with Chrome on a freshly imported CryptoKey, this property contains an object with a name property, that property is a string. It might be confusion between the interface used to generate key and the one available in CryptoKey objet, it might also be the spec being flexible (?). Current documentation is misleading.

What did you expect to see?

Description of hash property being an object with a string-typed name property

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MDN metadata

Page report details * Folder: `en-us/web/api/rsahashedkeygenparams` * MDN URL: * GitHub URL: * Last commit: * Document last modified: 2022-10-10T09:00:13.000Z
Josh-Cena commented 3 months ago

For anyone working on this: you can pass a string as hash when using it as a parameter for generateKey, but the property that's on CryptoKey.algorithm will be an object.