Open Akindin opened 8 months ago
Would love to go trough the list and add missing attributes if this is needed
@TjasaZil it would be awesome because now it's kinda hard to find a specific attribute without going through multiple element pages.
The table of attributes should be removed as incomplete both in terms of there being missing attributes (over 10 global attributes are missing from the list) and in terms of there being red non-links due to missing documentation.
Suggested fixes:<attribute>
) and the global attributes sub-tree (<attribute>
). List these in alphabetical order, as currently done, but with the list of obsolete and deprecated attributes coming after a main list.Note: A discussion about HTML attributes was started, based on this issue, at
What specific section or headline is this issue about?
Attribute list
What information was incorrect, unhelpful, or incomplete?
List of attributes is incomplete
What did you expect to see?
List of all attributes (except for aria, event, MathML and SVG attributes)
Do you have any supporting links, references, or citations?
No response
Do you have anything more you want to share?
List of all attributes found on MDN new Set([ "download", "href", "hreflang", "ping", "referrerpolicy", "rel", "target", "type", "alt", "coords", "shape", "autoplay", "controls", "controlslist", "crossorigin", "anonymous", "use-credentials", "disableremoteplayback", "loop", "muted", "preload", "src", "dir", "cite", "alink", "background", "bgcolor", "bottommargin", "leftmargin", "link", "onafterprint", "onbeforeprint", "onbeforeunload", "onblur", "onerror", "onfocus", "onhashchange", "onlanguagechange", "onload", "onmessage", "onoffline", "ononline", "onpopstate", "onredo", "onresize", "onstorage", "onundo", "onunload", "rightmargin", "text", "topmargin", "vlink", "clear", "autofocus", "disabled", "form", "formaction", "formenctype", "formmethod", "formnovalidate", "formtarget", "name", "popovertarget", "popovertargetaction", "\"hide\"", "\"show\"", "\"toggle\"", "value", "height", "moz-opaque", "width", "align", "span", "datetime", "open", "compact", "color", "face", "size", "accept", "accept-charset", "autocapitalize", "autocomplete", "noresize", "scrolling", "marginheight", "marginwidth", "frameborder", "cols", "rows", "profile", "noshade", "manifest", "version", "xmlns", "allow", "allowfullscreen", "allowpaymentrequest", "credentialless", "csp", "loading", "eager", "lazy", "no-referrer", "no-referrer-when-downgrade", "origin", "origin-when-cross-origin", "same-origin", "strict-origin", "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "unsafe-url", "sandbox", "allow-downloads", "allow-downloads-without-user-activation", "allow-forms", "allow-modals", "allow-orientation-lock", "allow-pointer-lock", "allow-popups", "allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox", "allow-presentation", "allow-same-origin", "allow-scripts", "allow-storage-access-by-user-activation", "allow-top-navigation", "allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation", "allow-top-navigation-to-custom-protocols", "srcdoc", "decoding", "sync", "async", "auto", "elementtiming", "fetchpriority", "high", "low", "ismap", "sizes", "srcset", "usemap", "for", "as", "blocking", "imagesizes", "imagesrcset", "integrity", "media", "title", "behavior", "direction", "hspace", "scrollamount", "scrolldelay", "truespeed", "vspace", "checked", "command", "default", "icon", "label", "radiogroup", "charset", "content", "http-equiv", "min", "max", "optimum", "archive", "border", "classid", "codebase", "codetype", "data", "declare", "standby", "reversed", "start", "selected", "valuetype", "wrap", "defer", "nomodule", "nonce", "importmap", "module", "speculationrules", "multiple", "required", "colspan", "headers", "rowspan", "shadowrootmode", "closed", "autocorrect", "on", "off", "dirname", "maxlength", "minlength", "placeholder", "readonly", "spellcheck", "abbr", "scope", "kind", "srclang", "disablepictureinpicture", "playsinline", "poster", "capture", "pattern", "step", "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "data-*", "draggable", "enterkeyhint", "exportparts", "hidden", "id", "inert", "inputmode", "is", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "part", "popover", "role", "slot", "style", "tabindex", "translate", "virtualkeyboardpolicy", "xml:base", "xml:lang", "webkitdirectory" ])
MDN metadata
Page report details
* Folder: `en-us/web/html/attributes` * MDN URL: * GitHub URL: * Last commit: * Document last modified: 2024-02-08T01:20:32.000Z