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Native Messaging add-on tutorial does not specify how to view console output. #33315

Open blurrred opened 3 weeks ago

blurrred commented 3 weeks ago


What specific section or headline is this issue about?

No response

What information was incorrect, unhelpful, or incomplete?

Apparently, Firefox doesn't display the content.log() output of a background script in its own console. This makes testing very confusing and cumbersome for new users, who will inevitably be stuck wondering why they're not getting any output.

What did you expect to see?

I expected to see output in the Firefox console from my program.

Do you have any supporting links, references, or citations?

The answer to this question is incorrect, as the "Show Content Messages" option appears to have been removed from the gear icon in the Firefox console.

Do you have anything more you want to share?

We should either specify that displaying the contents of console.log() requires an add-on or specify how to enable it in Firefox.

MDN metadata

Page report details * Folder: `en-us/mozilla/add-ons/webextensions/native_messaging` * MDN URL: * GitHub URL: * Last commit: * Document last modified: 2023-11-23T22:51:58.000Z