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Create proposal for new membership process and make it clear what they can get out of the membership #80

Closed chrisdavidmills closed 1 year ago

chrisdavidmills commented 3 years ago

At, we have a membership charter, and members list, but we don't have anything to say what the membership process is, or what the members benefits are.

It would be good to add a document covering these.

I would imagine something like —

Membership applications are currently [open/closed]

When membership applications are open, you can apply for membership using the membership application form [LINK]. We will consider your application and get back to you within a month.

Membership applications are closed when either:

* The number of membership orgs and individuals gets to 10
* We feel that the current group represents a good balance of opinion, diversity, and geography, and is useful as it is for now.

When membership applications are closed, we may still add new members if someone really interesting becomes apparent, and we contact them. It is just that open applications are not available at this time.

And for the benefits, I'd imagine something like:

chrisdavidmills commented 3 years ago

Looking at, I think things like expectations and benefits are written up pretty clearly already. We just need to write up more clearly how the process works, when open membership applications are closed, etc.

I've written something up for this, and have shared it with my legal team first, just to make sure there is no reason why publishing it would be problematic. I'll share it after that. Ideally, we should integrate it with the text that is already there, but if this causes a problem, I will go for including it as a separate text section.