mdn / samples-server

MDN samples server; used for samples that can't be hosted in-place on MDN, plus back-end server-side code for samples that need it.
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Bugs #97

Open Stanislavx opened 4 years ago

Stanislavx commented 4 years ago

1) First of all the text chat does not work properly, most of the time you just lose the ability to post anything or receive any new messages. 2) In all the cases (pc and phone Mozilla, Google ) when I was able to establish proper text chat connection and make a call finally, it was never possible to get the remote-end stream (both video and audio) signal on the side of the caller. You did a great job explaining the technology, and your article is great, and comprehensive, wish your demo would work.

Stanislavx commented 4 years ago

Code mistakes found so far: 1) myPeerConnection.onnicecandidate = null; Has to be one n myPeerConection.onicecandidate = null; 2) in function hangUpCall: I always had an error, until changed order of inner functions calls, watch out that targetUsername sets to null in closeVideoCall(); However I am not sure about complications of this.