Should you use physical or logical properties?
The logical properties and values are newer than their physical equivalents, and therefore have only recently been implemented in browsers. You can check any property page on MDN to see how far back the browser support goes. If you are not using multiple writing modes, then for now you might prefer to use the physical versions. However, ultimately we expect that people will transition to the logical versions for most things, as they make a lot of sense once you also start dealing with layout methods such as flexbox and grid.
中文译文: 应该使用物理属性还是逻辑属性呢? 逻辑属性是在物理属性之后出现的,因而最近才开始在浏览器中应用。你可以通过查看 MDN 的属性页面来了解浏览器对逻辑属性的支持情况。如果你并没有应用多种书写模式,那么现在你可能更倾向于使用物理属性,因为这些在你使用弹性布局和网格布局时非常有用。 其中,最后一句与英文原文的意思不符,英文原文指的是使用逻辑属性对弹性布局和网格布局有用。
这一段的英文原文为: Should you use physical or logical properties? The logical properties and values are newer than their physical equivalents, and therefore have only recently been implemented in browsers. You can check any property page on MDN to see how far back the browser support goes. If you are not using multiple writing modes, then for now you might prefer to use the physical versions. However, ultimately we expect that people will transition to the logical versions for most things, as they make a lot of sense once you also start dealing with layout methods such as flexbox and grid. 个人认为最后一句的意思是:然而,最终我们希望人们将大多数事情转移到逻辑版本,因为它们在你处理布局方法(比如flexbox和grid)时很有用。
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* Folder: `zh-cn/learn/css/building_blocks/handling_different_text_directions` * MDN URL: https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Handling_different_text_directions * GitHub URL: https://github.com/mdn/translated-content/blob/main/files/zh-cn/learn/css/building_blocks/handling_different_text_directions/index.md * Last commit: https://github.com/mdn/translated-content/commit/3bd22c6a65f9a77e4cdd95ed4825330df9ddd710 * Document last modified: 2023-09-19T06:05:04.000Z