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BS 5.1.3 issues(?) #317

Closed richware closed 2 years ago

richware commented 2 years ago

I have run into several minor problem regarding converting from scss to sass which I have resolved. I have found a technique to make adjustments to the core bs. I add a custom folder and add my custom sass files that generate into the core css file. Example, I have font-faces that I include so I have created font-face files that handle this process. I have attached.

I have developed a CMS and was tired of re-inventing css and came across Bootstrap and started diving into the product and found it useful. As I run into issues or have thoughts how is the best way to convey those ideas and suggestions?

mdo commented 2 years ago

Bootstrap has it's own repo and organization here, so you can raise them there. Open an issue for a bug (be sure to read the issue template) or ask others for input in the Discussions tab.