mdolab / OpenAeroStruct

OpenAeroStruct is a lightweight tool that performs aerostructural optimization using OpenMDAO.
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Possible bug in load transfer scheme #314

Closed johnjasa closed 4 years ago

johnjasa commented 4 years ago

Type of issue

What types of issue is it?


The loads transfer scheme used in is different than that presented in the OpenAeroStruct journal article.

In the transfer loads script, it first computes the moments at the middle of the spar elements but does not transfer the moment to the nodes using the formula of "moment transport" in that the code doesn't consider the moment arm between the node and the middle of the element.

Steps to reproduce issue

Run any aerostructural analysis and examine the component.

Current behavior

The moment arms are computed from the aerodynamic centers to the structural centers.

Expected behavior

The moment arms may need to be computed from the aerodynamic centers to the structural nodes; this theory should be double-checked as correct before implemented.

If the transfer needs correcting, the compute() and compute_partials() methods within that component would both need updating, as well as all impacted tests, namely any aerostructural test.

kanekosh commented 4 years ago

I have fixed the bug in, though I haven't updated the tests yet so a PR is not ready. I am wondering if I can get quick comments/feedback before updating the tests. The new code can be found in my branch. @johnjasa @shamsheersc19


To verify the new implementation, I did three checks.

1. Comparison with current implementation

I compared the aerostructural analysis of the new implementation to the current version of mdolab/master. I did not do any aerostructural optimization here.

Here is the comparison of aero and structural responses. The test setup is the same as examples/ except for the mesh sizes.

Mesh size Version CL CD Tip displacement [m] Max Von Mises [MPa]
ny=5, nx=2 current 0.55486797 0.03976179 0.78911463 55.341826
new 0.57066144 0.03977402 0.30585531 18.679515
error 2.85 % 0.0308 % -61.2 % -66.24 %
ny=15, nx=5 current 0.44880370 0.03592364 0.32427078 27.272997
new 0.44994858 0.03593000 0.29448746 25.793820
error 0.255 % 0.0177 % -9.18 % -5.42 %
ny=45, nx=11 current 0.43865442 0.035831758 0.29876407 28.140761
new 0.43876558 0.035832641 0.29579435 27.967486
error 0.0253 % 0.00246 % -0.994 % -0.616 %

Since the error for the finest mesh was small enough, I believe the new implementation is correct. Also, I confirmed that the current code has been predicting larger stresses as Sham mentioned, which is good.

2. Partial derivatives

I ran unit tests in transfer, which runs OpenMDAO's check_partials(), and they all passed. Therefore the compute_partials() is consistent with compute(). I also changed the mesh size and it was ok as well.

3. Regression tests

As expected, all aerostructural regression tests have failed. But their values were not far apart: most of them are within a few % errors, except test_aerostruct_wingbox_+weight_analysis and test_aerostruct_wingbox_analysis which had ~20% errors.



shamsheersc19 commented 4 years ago

Nice!! Good to see the convergent trends. I’ll have a look at the code and test some optimization cases with the wingbox as well. Thanks!

shamsheersc19 commented 4 years ago

@kanekosh If you have time, you could also do a similar optimization mesh convergence study (for fuelburn and wingbox mass) with this code: (You'll need to make the opt tol smaller than it currently is and then all you need to do is change the numbers of nodes.)

shamsheersc19 commented 4 years ago
Mesh Version Fuelburn [kg] Wingbox mass [kg]
15x5 mesh Old 97616.1 25199.2
  New 96998.0 24482.2
  % diff 0.6 2.8
45x7 mesh Old 96967.0 22475.1
  New 96922.0 22434.9
  % diff 0.0 0.2
johnjasa commented 4 years ago

Shugo, thanks for implementing this, and Sham, thanks for further testing it. The changes look good to me and the output numbers look reasonable, especially given the trends Margarida was seeing when she implemented this herself.

I say go forward with updating the tests and PR. Then we'll have to increment the minor version because this will change the behavior of the code. Get @nwu63 in the mix if needed for that.

kanekosh commented 4 years ago

Thank you guys for the comments!