mdolab / adflow

ADflow is a finite volume RANS solver tailored for gradient-based aerodynamic design optimization.
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Some problems about multipointSparse #10

Closed NWPU-XuChenzhou closed 5 years ago

NWPU-XuChenzhou commented 5 years ago

Good day, John. Sorry for disturbing you. I'm a PhD student from NWPU. I have already installed "MDOlab code" you uploaded several days ago. These codes are really helpful for me. I followed MACH Tutorial to learn to use these codes. The example for ADflow analysis, illustrated in, was tested successfully in my own PC. I used 1core and 4 cores to run respectively, and it appeared all right. However, when I ran, some problems occurred. First, the multipoint package was not open source, so there was an error because the python script imported module multipoint.

xcz@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ADflow_test/opt_wing$ python Warning:` OpenMDAO dependency is not installed. OM_ADFLOW wrapper will not be active Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 14, in from multipoint import * _No module named multipoint

For all the aero_opt or aerostruct_opt cases in the tutorial, the scripts import module multipoint. Hence, I commented out the lines with multipointSparse in myself, and modified the script with no reference script. Then I got a problem with MPI erroror after ADflow finished in the process.

...... writetecplotsurfacesolution': True} MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD with errorcode 1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes. You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on exactly when Open MPI kills them.

[1]PETSC ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 15 Terminate: Some process (or the batch system) has told this process to end [1]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or -on_error_attach_debugger [1]PETSC ERROR: or see ......

I have added my script in the attachment. Could you help me to modify my script? BTW, will the multipoint package be open source soon? Thanks a lot.

GuardZ commented 5 years ago

Try to reinstall your openmpi or change the version of openmpi. I think that there are still something wrong in your setting of openmpi or mpi4py.

NWPU-XuChenzhou commented 5 years ago

Try to reinstall your openmpi or change the version of openmpi. I think that there are still something wrong in your setting of openmpi or mpi4py.

Thank you very much. Sorry for replying late. I have tested ADflow with an aerodynamic analysis case, as I metioned before, with 4 cores in my PC. It performed well and finished correctly. +-------------------------------------------------+ Solution Timings:
Set AeroProblem Time : 0.003 sec
Solution Time : 101.547 sec
Write Solution Time : 0.206 sec
Stability Parameter Time : 0.000 sec
Total Call Time : 101.756 sec
+--------------------------------------------------+ -> Alpha... 1.500000 +---------------------------------------------------+ Function Timings:
Function AeroProblem Time : 0.035 sec
Function Evaluation Time : 0.001 sec
User Function Evaluation Time : 0.000 sec
Total Function Evaluation Time: 0.036 sec

+--------------------------------------------------+ {'wing_cl': 0.41769439572452155, 'wing_cd': 0.016808170024248777}

So, if I have something wrong with my openmpi or mpi4py, will I get the above results with ADflow? I wonder if the aerodynamic analysis case covered up the problems in my openmpi or mpi4py. I followed the installation instructions in the website when I installed opemmpi and mpi4py. In, the python script with mpi problem, I commented out the lines with multipointSparse. Hence, there maybe some problems for mpi interactions. Could you help me check it? Thanks a lot.

NWPU-XuChenzhou commented 5 years ago

Try to reinstall your openmpi or change the version of openmpi. I think that there are still something wrong in your setting of openmpi or mpi4py.

Sorry, I made a mistake that I attached a unmodified script , which is the example python scriot you gave in the tutorial. I have modified it by commenting out the lines with multipointSparse and renamed it as Could you help me check it? Sorry again for my carelessness.

joanibal commented 5 years ago


We decided to opensource mutipoint as well. This should hopefully make things a little easier for you.

NWPU-XuChenzhou commented 5 years ago


We decided to opensource mutipoint as well. This should hopefully make things a little easier for you.

Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. I'll try this.