mdolab / adflow

ADflow is a finite volume RANS solver tailored for gradient-based aerodynamic design optimization.
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python adflow/ missinge mdo_import_help #59

Closed MirabellelaTerreur closed 4 years ago

MirabellelaTerreur commented 4 years ago


I'm a student in aeronautics from France, a bit of experience with python, and doing a group job for a glider design project.

While testing and trying to run your adflow/ I keep failing because extension module mdo_import_help is missing.

I'm getting the error message: ModuleNotFoundError : No module named 'mdo_import_helper'

I cannot find anything named mdo_import_helper that comes with Python.

Is mdo_import_help some sort of a dependency of your code, which I'm trying to run ?

Hopefully some instructions could tell me exactly what else I need to install and to be able to use it.

Thank you very much,


ewu63 commented 4 years ago

pyWeightAndBalance is a fairly deprecated module. What are you trying to use it for?

MirabellelaTerreur commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your attention, well, is not my real problem, my real problem is in the code listed below.

Myself, I am trying to run an aerodynamic simulation analysis of a wing.

I used adflow just for testing the same problem, following the advice from a very kind forum moderator at :

"It seems that the line import mdo_import_helper appears in the project mdolab/adflow, for example see adflow/ If you can install this software, you may find where the mdo_import_helper module comes from."

My problem is in the code below, so I began to ask around the python community, me a new user, also a python newbie, hoping to learn here from the wisdom and experience of other members :

"Now, anyone is familiar with mdo_import_help ? I'm trying to run some python code code but it keeps failing and failing because mdoimport help is missing."

There is nothing named mdo_import_helper that comes with Python. So I thought it was some sort of dependency of the code I am trying to run; unfortunately, no instructions just an error :

ModuleNotFoundError : No module named 'mdo_import_helper'

Here is the source of my real problem, (under Part 1.2 quoted below) :

from mdo_import_helper import *
exec(import_modules('pySpline', 'tripan', 'functions'))

# =======================================================================================
# Aerodynamic Analysis of a Wing
# =======================================================================================
# A generic semi-tappered wing is used for this example
# =======================================================================================
# Aerodynamic Analysis With Tripan Flow Solver
# =======================================================================================
# Part 1 : Importing Standard Python Modules
import os, sys, string, pdb, copy, time, string, re, numpy, datetime
# Set the beginning of the timer for code
t0 =

# _______________________________________________________________________________________
# Part 1.1 : Importing External Python Modules and setting of broadcasting variable
from mpi4py import MPI

# _______________________________________________________________________________________
# Part 1.2 : Importing Extension modules and initializing 'comm' variables
from mdo_import_helper import *
exec(import_modules('pySpline', 'tripan', 'functions'))

# _______________________________________________________________________________________
# Part 1.3 : Defining the folder for the results output
prefix = './results'
for arg in sys.argv:
    # Find the prefix from the command line arguments
    m = re.match('(prefix=)(.*)', arg)
    if m:
        prefix =
# Create a new directory and broadcast it to everything
if os.path.isdir(prefix):
    i = 1
    while os.path.isdir(os.path.join(prefix, 'Aero_Analysis_Num%d'%(i))):
        i = i+1
    prefix = os.path.join(prefix, 'Aero_Analysis_Num%d'%(i))
    prefix = prefix + os.sep
    print('Prefix is not a directory!')
prefix = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(prefix, root=0)
print ('Using prefix = %s'%(prefix))

# =======================================================================================
# Part 2 : Defining The Functions to set up the Tripan Object
def setUpTriPanWing(comm, trifile='geo/wing.tripan', wakefile='geo/wing.edge'):
    # Set up TriPan using the files
    ndownstream = 100
    sym_direction = 2 # Use symmetry about the z-axis
    down_dist = 150.0
    time_dependent = 0 # A steady state simulation
    a_wake_dir = numpy.zeros(3)
    b_wake_dir = numpy.zeros(3)
    a_wake_dir[1] = 1.0
    b_wake_dir[2] = 1.0
    # Stretch the wake downstream
    wake_history = tripan.WakeHistory(ndownstream, down_dist, tripan.WakeHistory.STRETCHED)
    triPan = tripan.TriPanel(comm, trifile, wakefile, wake_history, time_dependent, ndownstream, a_wake_dir, b_wake_dir, sym_direction)
    npanels = triPan.getNumPanels()
    triPan.setPCSizes(1.5, 150*npanels)
    print('TriPan panels', npanels)
    return triPan

# =======================================================================================
# Part 3 : Core of the Script for Aerodynamic Analysis With Tripan Flow Solver
# _______________________________________________________________________________________
# Part 3.1 : Setting Up the Tripan Flow Solver
# Defining The Names for the Tripan Input Files
trifile = 'geo/wing_50x100.tripan'; wakefile = 'geo/wing_50x100.wake'
edgefile = 'geo/wing_50x100.edge';
# Set Up Tripan Object
triPan = setUpTriPanWing(comm, trifile=trifile, wakefile=wakefile)
edgeinfo = tripan.TriPanEdgeInfo(edgefile)
# Set Up Tripan Solver
n_flight_cons = 1
triOpt = tripan.TriPanOpt(triPan, n_flight_cons)

# _______________________________________________________________________________________
# Part 3.2 : Defining The Design Parameters for the Atmosphere properties
Semi_Span = 15/2
# Generic atmospheric conditions for 1000m , 25 m/s with MAC as reference length
Minf = 0.0743                   # Incompressible Mach number
rho = 1.11164                   # Air density kg/m^3
ainf = 336.4379                 # Speed of sound m/s
alpha = (4.0/180.0)*numpy.pi    # Angle of attack
Vinf = Minf*ainf                # Air speed
Qinf = 0.5*rho*Vinf**2          # Dynamic Pressure

# _______________________________________________________________________________________
# Part 3.3 : Solving the Aerodynamic System
# Function to get the Wing Area to compute coefficients
area_func = tripan.TriPanProjectedArea()
Area_ref = area_func.evalFunction(triPan)
print('Area_Tripan = ', Area_ref)
# Setting the Load Case, the Wing Angle of Attack and Flight Condition
load_case = 0
alpha_num = 0
fcon = tripan.FlightCondition(rho, Minf, Vinf, alpha, alpha_num, load_case)
triOpt.addFlightCondition(0, fcon)
# Setting the options for the Generalized Minimal Residual Method (GMRES) Solver
gmres_iters = 60
max_iters = 5*gmres_iters
triOpt.setGMRESIters(gmres_iters, max_iters)
# Solve the aerodynamic problem

# _______________________________________________________________________________________
# Part 3.4 : Setting Up the Solution Output Files
# Setting the names for the Output Files
obj_aero_name = prefix+'wing_obj_aero.dat'
tecplot_sol_name = prefix+'wing_tripan_solution.dat'
wake_sol_name = prefix+'wing_wake_file.dat'
load_file_name = 'load_data/wing_aero_load.dat'
lift_dist_name = prefix+'wing_lift_dist.dat'
# Generating Surface solution output
# Generating .dat Tacplot Visualization files
out_type = 1
triPan.writeSeqTecplotFile(tecplot_sol_name, -1.0, out_type)
# Generating Load data
triPan.writeAeroForceFile(Winf, load_file_name)
# Generating lift distribution graph
Zloc = numpy.linspace(0.01, Semi_Span)
triPan.writeLiftDistribution(lift_dist_name, Zloc)
# Evaluation of aerodynamic functions
lift_func = tripan.TriPanLift()
drag_func = tripan.TriPanDrag()
lift = triOpt.evalAeroFunc(lift_func)
drag = triOpt.evalAeroFunc(drag_func)
# Writing some outputs for user visualization
print('Lift = ', lift*Qinf*2)
print('Drag = ', drag*Qinf*2)
print('CL = ', (lift/Area_ref)*2)
print('CD = ', (drag/Area_ref)*2)
final_time =
print('Total time spent in the aerodynamic analysis: ', final_time)
ewu63 commented 4 years ago

Hi Mirabelle, I'm closing this in favour of email communications since this seems pretty specific to your case.