mdopp / simple-sonoff-server

Emulates the original sonoff-cloud-servers within your local network.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
144 stars 47 forks source link

How to conect mqtt #2

Closed Tadzikj closed 6 years ago

Tadzikj commented 6 years ago


How to connect to openhab and mqtt?

Regards. Tadzik

mdopp commented 6 years ago

mqtt is not supported in this simple script. You can use the http-binding to use the http in your openhab items-configfile. (

When the Http-Binding is installed, you can use it like this:

Switch MyItem1 { http=">[ON:POST:http://{ip-form-configfile:port}/devices/{deviceId}/on] >[OFF:POST:http://{ip-form-configfile:port}/devices/{deviceId}/off]" } you can get the deviceId with a simple query to http://{ip-form-configfile:port}/devices

mdopp commented 6 years ago

@Tadzikj did this help you? if so, i would like to close this issue.

Tadzikj commented 6 years ago


I am sorry that it was only now but I could not make it earlier

I solved the problem by installing the server in openhb in the item file I placed the switch entry

Switch testsonoff1 "test S20 sonoff1 10000dxxaab" {exec="ON:curl,OFF:curl" }

String testsonoff1_state "S20 10000dxxaab: [% s]" {http = "<[http: // IP: 1081 / devices / 10000dxxaab: 5000: JSONPATH ($ .state)]"}

and he's laughing additionally, in the rules file I have placed the code which reads the state after manual change to sonoff (use of the device on the device)

rule "JSON sonoff"    when      Item testsonoff1_state received update    then    if (testsonoff1_state.state == "on") {    postUpdate (testsonoff1, "ON")    } else {    postUpdate (testsonoff1, "OFF")    } end

Thank you for your help

I greet and wish you a Happy New Year