mdotstrange / NightmarePuppeteerPublic

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characters spinning in menu after exit scene #416

Open Jolsh2 opened 2 years ago

Jolsh2 commented 2 years ago

i exit the motel scene and they are spinning behind the wall and have to exit program. reset doesn't work. and if you enter scene again they are invisible.

mdotstrange commented 2 years ago

Just tested it and when I went back to the menu the actor was not there- reset and they came back- will try some checks to fix-

For the spinning- were they imported 3d models or ones that come with NP?

mdotstrange commented 2 years ago

Ok added a fix to stop the actor not showing in the menu issue when returning from the Motel scene- the spinning and invisible thing I wasn't able to reproduce-

Jolsh2 commented 2 years ago

Included NP heads/bodies.

invisible happend on a few. will capture if i can next time.

mdotstrange commented 2 years ago

Ok I've had it happen too when using BeatBopping- going to add more ragdoll controls to deal with it