mdotstrange / NightmarePuppeteerPublic

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Feature suggestion: Yorgos Lanthimos ConnectIK connector points. #418

Open tonikone opened 2 years ago

tonikone commented 2 years ago

After watching the wonderfully playful Lobster I realized NP needs placeable ConnectIK points in the character editor, so we can tie characters hand to their backs, fingers to mouth, noses, ears and so on. Listed points could be cycleable in playback mode. Or they could be selected with console commands. Or tied to physics or basic preset motions, like lines, ovals, circles or mouse grabs. Saving a paused actor hand or finger position pos/rotation into control points could be a basis for a primitive gesture recall too. Not accurate , but weird is a nice start. (Locking joints might be overkill, but could be explored for things like pirate limping or hybrid stickman variations.)

Simple invisible scene or character space ConnectIK points would allow putting hands to various places in the scene, with or without tweening. This is how basic weirded-out grabbing or punching systems could implemented. Grab actor, lift actor, shake the actor, throw them up the air, fly them. All this could be implemented with generalized (and sequenced) contact point ops.