mdotstrange / NightmarePuppeteerPublic

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Command Console: Pressing Enter to submit command takes user to scene editor settings menu #423

Closed tonikone closed 2 years ago

tonikone commented 2 years ago

I liked to enter my commands with Enter key instead of lifting my hand for mouse every time I want to submit a command. Whad's going on here maaaaaan?

Manual says shift+esc should toggle the console. While working in scenes, I can't get out of NP Console using this combo. However, in main menu this works. Is there a conflict in keyboard command mappings involving esc key? Getting shift+esc console close to work would mitigate the mouse-ray-through-buttons-to-scene problem.

mdotstrange commented 2 years ago

This was a bug in a build that was live for a day or two- give it a try with a new build and I'll check the return key issue- thanks

mdotstrange commented 2 years ago

I'll fix the return thing now- yeh thats annoying haha

mdotstrange commented 2 years ago

This is fixed in latest Steam build thanks