mdotstrange / NightmarePuppeteerPublic

Public repo for all things Nightmare Puppeteer
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Click to walk: Walking turns into sliding after couple of steps, then click to walk stops responding. #434

Closed tonikone closed 2 years ago

tonikone commented 2 years ago

After a series of click to walks actor stops moving towards target and only legs are in motion for a couple of seconds. Both actors are affected.

tonikone commented 2 years ago

Scenes seem to behave differently. Emptiness behaves like mentioned above. In Small Pharma Actor keeps sliding towards the targets, without getting stuck into momentary static walk cycle and standing after mouse clicks.

mdotstrange commented 2 years ago

Thanks for letting me know- checked and left an important parameter unchecked- will upload fixed build in a few minutes-

mdotstrange commented 2 years ago

Bug fix build live on Steam now thanks maaaaaan